Switzerland and Roma Travellers

Two articles about Roma travellers camping on a private (and rented) plot of land in the canton Bern.
The first one, from the Berner Zeitung states that there were no issues with Roma – at least until the arrival of a group of Roma from Spain who did leave a mess. The second one, from the Blick (a Swiss tabloid) states that all Roma are dirtying the neighbourhood, are defecating everywhere etc… Same story, two views. And clearly the Blich guys were not on the spot.
In addition, the papers (and the title of the Berner Zeitung) suggest that there are many more Roma travellers in Switzerland. This is false.
– Immer mehr Fahrende. In: Berner Zeitung. 07.07.2017. http://www.bernerzeitung.ch/region/bern/Immer-mehr-Fahrende/story/16873503
– Fäkalien und Abfall im Gemüsefeld. In: Blick. 07.07.2017. https://www.blick.ch/news/schweiz/puff-mit-romas-bei-rastplatz-auf-der-a1-faekalien-und-abfall-im-gemuesefeld-id6956906.html [link-preview url=”https://www.blick.ch/news/schweiz/puff-mit-romas-bei-rastplatz-auf-der-a1-faekalien-und-abfall-im-gemuesefeld-id6956906.html”]

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