Tag Archives: Attacks

Austria: Oberwart Commemoration

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Austria: Oberwart Commemoration

The commemoration of the Oberwart attack which killed 4 Roma in that town exactly 30 years ago was held on Tuesday evening in this town.

On the night of February 5, 1995, a pipe bomb killed four Roma in Oberwart: Josef Simon, Peter Sarközi and Karl and Erwin Horvath. The men wanted to remove a sign with the inscription “Roma back to India”

May they rest in peace.

Hamburg: Graves Desecrated

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Hamburg: Graves Desecrated

Unknown perpetrators have desecrated graves of Sinti and Roma in a cemetery in the Altona district of Hamburg. Graves were damaged and materials such as copper were stolen. According to the Sinti Association of Hamburg, a gravestone was even sawn into pieces. In a joint statement, all parties in Altona City Hall, except for the AfD, (surprise?) condemned the acts. The public prosecutor’s office is investigating.

Bratislava: Neo-Nazis

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Bratislava: Neo-Nazis

The police have identified several people who have been going on a rampage in the centre of the capital for several months. Their victims are mainly foreigners or Roma. The group of neo-Nazis flees after the attack, they film everything on their mobile phones and publish it on social networks.

Slovenia: “Incident”

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Slovenia: “Incident”

Another article on the case of a social worker who was apparently attacked by a group of Roma and was sentenced to a fine of 250 Euros for having qualified a Roma as a “Monkey”.

Andrej Brečko from Mihovice near Šentjernej said “After 11 years of volunteer work in the village community and in a local initiative to solve the Roma problem, which the state should have solved long ago, I have now even received a fine for violating public order and peace – even though I was the victim of an attack by a group of Roma. “Now in the eyes of the police, I am the violator”.

Well, treating people of being monkeys casts a doubt about his view on Roma …

Slovenia: Attack

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Slovenia: Attack

Not good for Roma. A video surfaced of two Roma attacking and beating a student at a bus stop in Novo Mesto.

Russia, Roma, and the War

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Russia, Roma, and the War

A pogrom against Roma happened recently in Korkino, in the Cheliabinsk region. It happened after the murder of a 40-year-old taxi driver. She was killed by a teenage Rom. He probably argued with the woman about the fare. After her death, riots broke out in the city.

Seven Roma from Korkino have received summonses to report to a military recruitment centre. This was reported by Igor Dongauzer, the prosecutor of the Chelyabinsk region, during a regular meeting with the residents of Korkino. This is probably a punishment that is supposed to help the authorities rebuild their authority in the city.

Czechia: Attack and Manifestation

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Czechia: Attack and Manifestation

Several dozen Roma gathered on the square in Náchod on Saturday afternoon. According to representatives of the Roma association Náchod, the reason for convening the assembly was growing security concerns. Tensions have risen in the community following an incident last weekend in which a young Rom was assaulted.

The gathering, is meant to draw attention to the growing concerns of Roma about their safety in the city.

The grandmother of the attacked young man spoke at the meeting. “Hopefully it won’t happen again,” she said. She added that she was worried about the safety of Roma children.

Slovakia and a Roma Neighbourhood

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Slovakia and a Roma Neighbourhood

The postman does not come to them, taxi companies refuse to take them home. Residents of the Farárske district of Trnava are requesting the intervention of the prosecutor’s office. The news say that Roma in that neighbourhood are destroying cars, fighting, etc. And that the police doesn’t even go in that neighbourhood.


Slovakia: Attack

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Slovakia: Attack

Slovakian investigative reporter Kristína Kövešová was physically attacked during the reporting she was working on. The most threatening thing is that the whole situation happened right in front of the police. What is not apparent initially in the article is who, but further down, it implicitly says that the attackers were Roma, and that they also attacked other people.


Russia and Roma

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Russia and Roma

Following the murder of a taxi driver in the region of Cheliabinsk, a murder that was bamed on Roma, a pogrom took place in the Roma neighbourhood.


Oświęcim: Commemoration

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Oświęcim: Commemoration

On October 21st, 1981, an incident occurred in Oświęcim that quickly turned into a series of acts of violence directed against Roma families. The argument between Roma and non-Roma over their place in the queue escalated to such an extent that the townspeople formed a committee to “expel the Gypsies” from Auschwitz. Houses were set on fire, cars were destroyed, and physical violence was committed. Over 100 people were forced to leave the town and eventually the country. Instead of passports, the Roma were given so-called travel documents, which allowed them to leave Poland but did not allow them to return.

Slovenia: Attack

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A young Roma student apparently aggressed a school worker, apparently a counselor at the Brežice Elementary School. Apparetly, it is student with whom the school is said to have educational problems. The blow is said to have occurred during the eeting of the student with the counselor.

Czechia: An Attack

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A clash between a pupil and a teacher at a primary school in Koryčany in the Kroměříž region is still under investigation by the police. It is preliminarily classified as a misdemeanor. The family of a 12-year-old Roma boy is convinced that the teacher knocked the son to the ground and strangled him. The father of the Roma boy apologized for the threats he uttered to the residents of Koryčany.

Czechia: Attack

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The case of an alleged attack by a teacher on a 12-year-old Roma primary school student is moving the people of Kory in the Kroměříž region these days. The locals’ view of this case is not uniform. Some people are surprised that the teacher allowed himself to be provoked, others are of the opinion that it is a fictional event and the attack did not take place.

Roma say this was racism.

Slovenia: Manifestation

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On Saturday, September 28, a protest was held in Šentjerne in support of a parent who physically attacked an elementary school student because he allegedly bullied his son. It turned out that the Roma child who was attacked was not the perpetrator of peer violence at all. The protesters also pointed out the violence that Roma children allegedly cause in school.

This is called racism…

Slovenia: Really????

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SDS MP Anja Bah Žibert revealed that a group of Roma allegedly beat up several members of the Slovenian Army last week in Cerklje ob Krka, where the military air base is located, and allegedly used tear gas for animals. In the meantime, the Slovenian Army explains that the members of the SV were outside the barracks, outside working hours and in civilian clothes.


French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Only notable news in France this week about Roma is about the arrestation of three people for a tentative of arson on a Roma camp. Clearly, the fact that the three were of North African origins opened doors to some of the most extreme rightist parties, alothough some of their followers did the same.

Czechia: Freed

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The district court in Karviná released Jaromír Lukeš on parole, convicted of an arson attack on Roma in Vítkov in 2009. Lukeš was sentenced to 22 years in prison for his attack with accomplices on a Roma house in Vítkov.

Slovene Violence

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Another article about the incident in a School in Eastern Slovenia where a non-Roma father entered in school and aggressed a young Roma with whom his son had had an argument. The Roma child and a teacher were injusred in the attack.

If it had been the other way around, one would have spoken of the Roma “Problem” and Roma violence …
