Tag Archives: Book

Roma Writer

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Roma Writer

An article about the Roma writer Michal Šamko. His parents and siblings came from Svidník, but he was born in Jičín, Czech Republic, where he did not have an easy childhood. “Gypsy filth,” they shouted at him in elementary school, where there were 23 children in their class, but he was the only Roma. The biggest punishment for his classmates was not the remarks, but being seated next to him. Michal Šamko was determined to achieve something in life and in the end he succeeded.

Charter 77

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Charter 77

The human rights movement Charter 77 published a significant document, “The Status of Gypsies and Roma in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic”, which is presented by Charter 77 signatory, former chairwoman of the Helsinki Committee and former public defender of human rights Anna Šabatová.

Muharem Serbezovski

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Muharem Serbezovski

in Skopje, Muharem is deeply attached to Bosnia and Herzegovina, and especially Sarajevo, which he often calls his “soulmate”.

His name is well-known in the former Yugoslavia, where he gained the status of one of the most famous singers, whose music, inspired by Roma and oriental styles, left an indelible mark on the art scene. He released his first album at the age of only 12. He is also an author and he published a translation of the Bible in Romanes.

Bulgarian Roma Songs

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Bulgarian Roma Songs

A published Bulgarian textbook contains 99 Roma songs, collected from the territory of present-day Bulgaria between 1950 and 1975. Songs about love, family songs, songs about heroes have been preserved. The man who preserved this for generations is Mustafa Aliyev, better known by his Bulgarian name Manush Romanov. Mustafa Aliyev dedicated his life to the development of the culture of his community. He belonged to the group of Sofia “Jerli”

He participated in the anti-fascist resistance. He was the editor-in-chief of the newspapers “Romano Esi” (Romanian) and “Nevo Drom” (New Road). He was the director of the “Roma” theatre, which was closed by the communists.

Czechia: Paramisja

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Czechia: Paramisja

The Pig Bride and the Talking Horse is a book of Romani fairy tales: far from the first to be published in Czechia, but in many ways the best so far, because the most thorough. It is intended primarily for adults, both researchers and ordinary readers – they will find amusement and many surprises in it.  It is now a well-known fact that traditional Romani folklore is not for young ladies.

Romano Suno: Roma Dream

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Romano Suno: Roma Dream

Almost 200 Romani texts were submitted to the Romano Suno competition this year and sent entries to the literary and audiovisual. The quality of the submission was greatly improved and even children were better than adults this year. The competition is organized by the organization Nová škola, which also offers seminars on Romani and Romani literature, creative writing workshops in Romani, Romani language courses and much more.

Roma Children Books

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Roma Children Books

The Czech Roma Literature Publishing House “Kher” published a unique book for children aged four and up this year. It was written by Romani author Eva Danišová, winner of the Milena Hübschmannová Award. For the youngest readers, the book presents a Romani peer as the main character for the first time in everyday life situations and during preparation for first grade.

Czechia: Book

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Czechia: Book

The organization Slovo 21 has published a book  titled “Fameľija nadevše” [Famous above all], a collection of short stories in which fifteen Romnja authors share experiences and values ​​related to family through their stories. The collection was created within the Paramisara literary club, which provides authors with space for creative growth and mutual inspiration.

Slovenia: Book

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Last Tuesday, a literary evening was held in the Sobos library with the book “White Rom” by Sandi Horvat, and the poetry collection “Tvoj ciganski obraz bledi” by Marcelo Baranja. The two authors shed light on the literary creation, and also spoke about their experiences, challenges and the issue of cultural identity in modern society.

In the book Beli Rom, Horvat describes the experiences of growing up and identity as a member of the Roma community. The book is not only an autobiographical insight into his life, Horvat told STA, but it is also a contribution to the understanding of the broader Roma culture, history and challenges faced by Roma in modern society.

Czechia: Children’s Book

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The illustrated book Jekh, duj, trin! [One, two, three!] introduces children to the everyday life and traditions of an ordinary Roma family and prepares them to enter school.

Well, with a few stereotypes…

Slovakia and Roma Literature

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In Slovakia, along Elena Lacková, the pioneer of Roma literature, one finds also Dezider Banga. Several Romane authors have an informal group RÓMSKY LITERÁRNY KLUB (ROLIK), where they have the opportunity to develop their work more intensively and publish it regularly. The documentary film SONG ON THE WIND captures the historical process of the establishment of Romani literature in our society in the form of small portraits of Romani poets and writers.

Olga Fečová: The day was short for me

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The icon of Romani culture, almost 80-year-old Olga Fečová, a woman with indomitable energy, presents her life in a book that tells the story of the Roma in Czechoslovakia on the basis of an individual destiny. The selection from the book is complemented by excerpts from an interview with the author, filmed for the non-profit organization Romea as part of the Roma memory project.

Jerzy Ficowski

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The Association of Roma in Poland reacted to the accusations against Jerzy Ficowski published in a book by Dr. Emilia Kledzik, who accused Jerzy Ficowski of excessive interference in the translation of the works of Papusza, i.e. Bronisława Wajs, using the word “forgery”.

The Association stated that “We believe that the allegations presented are unfair and require taking into account the appropriate historical context.”

Romanes in Montenegro

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A new Roma glossary by Dr. Vesna Delić was published by the Public Institution Centre for the Preservation and Development of the Culture of Minorities of Montenegro. As far as is known, it is a unique publication that allows the interested public to get to know and get more information about Roma.

Czech Republic: New Book

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An interview with Ilona Ferková who recently published her first novel, AMEN, which tells about a great girl friendship on the threshold of adulthood. The book is not a social drama about an excluded ethnic minority, but a colourful portrait of Czechoslovak youth in the relaxed sixties.

Roma Literature

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On January 10th, at 7 p.m. in the Booksa literary club (Martićeva 14D, Zagreb), Barbara Vicković and Mirta Zečević, members of the acting ensemble of the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, will read narrative-journalistic stories from the collection “Romanipe – From Shadow to Light”.

Czech Republic: New Book

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A new book intended for Roma pre-schoolers will be published by the Kher publishing house with the support of the Open Society Found Foundation and Albatros. According to its authors, the book contains information for Roma children of pre-school age so that they know what the basic education system will demand of them. The book is also for parents, introducing them to the requirements of schools and the Czech environment, which is partially or completely different from their home.

Poetry in Serbia

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The Association of Roma Writers and the Association of Writers of Serbia organised a poetry New Year and presented the book “December Meetings” – a collection of poetry for children and adults, prose and aphorisms, as part of the traditional Poetry New Year.
