Tag Archives: Casamonica


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Again. This story comes up every few months, even though the people involved have been in jail for years. It is a story of a mafia clan that was also a Roma family (and not the other way around). They do not do that many articles in the press on other mafiosi.



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Further raids on the houses of the notorious Casamonica Mafia clan of Sinti. They have made the deadlines for a while now, and this is bad publicity for Roma overall.

– Casamonica, maxi-blitz per abbattere otto ville del clan al Quadraro: in campo 500 uomini e la sindaca Virginia Raggi. In: Il Fatto Quotidiano. 20.11.2018. https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2018/11/20/casamonica-maxi-blitz-per-abbattere-otto-ville-del-clan-al-quadraro-in-campo-500-uomini-e-la-sindaca-virginia-raggi/4776855/
– Chi sono i Casamonica: tutto sulla famiglia che controlla Roma Sud. In: Roma Today. 20.11.2018. http://www.romatoday.it/cronaca/chi-sono-i-casamonica.html
– Rome police seize eight Casamonica mafia villas. In: BBC News. 20.11.2018. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-46275708

Italy: Bad too

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A long article on the Casamonica mafia family who happens to be a Sinti family. This reinforces the common view of Roma (although eh article claim that Sinti are a different ethnic group) …

– Le ville dei Casamonica come in Scarface e il tesoro milionario dei Sinti. In: Le Iene. 14.08.2018. https://www.iene.mediaset.it/2018/news/casamonica-zingari-sinti-ville-sfarzo-30-milioni-cerveteri-furti-appartamento_162465.shtml


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The arrests continue in Rome in the Roma family that was a notorious mafia clan. The news went beyond Italy. Only good article is the one from the Corriere della Sera which clearly shows this has nothing to do with Roma and all to do with the mafia.

– Gangster wife risks all to shop Gypsy kings of cocaine trade. In: The Times. 19.07.2018. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/gangster-wife-risks-all-to-shop-gypsy-kings-of-cocaine-trade-wng27thh0
– Casamonica, la pentita del clan: «Io, picchiata e umiliata da quelle belve». In: Corriere della Sera. 19.07.2018. https://roma.corriere.it/notizie/cronaca/18_luglio_18/casamonica-pentita-io-picchiata-umiliata-quelle-belve-cerreoni-79ad92b6-8ac5-11e8-8e77-5f617f178436.shtml
– Casamonica: Debora Cerreoni racconta le logiche del clan. In: Roma Today. 19.07.2018. https://www.romatoday.it/cronaca/debora-cerreoni-casamonica.html
– Porta Furba è roccaforte dei Casamonica: i dettagli. In: Roma Today. 17.07.2018. http://www.romatoday.it/cronaca/casamonica-porta-furba.html

Roma, Rome, and the Mafia

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The wife of one of the leaders of the notorious Roma mafia clan that reigned in Rome is repentant and is giving testimony to the police.
The clan was notorious an engaged in a whole range of criminal activities including extorsion, drugs, and prostitution.

– Colpo ai Casamonica: ad incastrarli la testimonianza della prima donna pentita. In: Democratica. 17.07.2018. https://www.democratica.com/focus/casamonica-raid-blitz-roma-mafia-capitale/
– Roma, 33 arresti nel clan Casamonica Il giudice: «Metodo mafioso» In: Corriere della Sera. 17.07.2018. https://roma.corriere.it/notizie/cronaca/18_luglio_16/casamonica-31-arresti-clan-giudice-droga-usura-estorsione-metodo-mafioso-1fee178a-892d-11e8-b6ba-4bfe4aefe0a3.shtml

Roma, Rome, and the Mafia

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The wife of one of the leaders of the notorious Roma mafia clan that reigned in Rome is repentant and is giving testimony to the police.
The clan was notorious an engaged in a whole range of criminal activities including extorsion, drugs, and prostitution.

– Colpo ai Casamonica: ad incastrarli la testimonianza della prima donna pentita. In: Democratica. 17.07.2018. https://www.democratica.com/focus/casamonica-raid-blitz-roma-mafia-capitale/
– Roma, 33 arresti nel clan Casamonica Il giudice: «Metodo mafioso» In: Corriere della Sera. 17.07.2018. https://roma.corriere.it/notizie/cronaca/18_luglio_16/casamonica-31-arresti-clan-giudice-droga-usura-estorsione-metodo-mafioso-1fee178a-892d-11e8-b6ba-4bfe4aefe0a3.shtml

Rome, Roma, and Mafia

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A large razzia in the Casamonica district was conducted following 6 years of investigation. The target was a Roma clan who controlled various illegal businesses from extortion, drug dealing, and various schemes. They placed their money in real estate that was seized during the raid.

– Le estorsioni, la droga e il racket degli affitti: l’impero costruito dai Casamonica a Roma. In: La Stampa. 09.05.2018. http://www.lastampa.it/2018/05/09/italia/le-estorsioni-la-droga-e-il-racket-degli-affitti-limpero-costruito-dai-casamonica-Z16pxJZ5gwVwR9kCWstUeJ/pagina.html

Rome and Roma

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One reportage and one article on the criminality in Rome with a Roma clan being heavily involved in Casamonica, a suburb of Rome. The article is really bad too, with many stereotypes and disparaging remarks.

– Casamonica, il clan di origine Sinti che spadroneggia a Roma. In: TG LA 7. 09.05.2018. http://tg.la7.it/cronaca/casamonica-il-clan-di-origine-sinti-che-spadroneggia-a-roma-09-05-2018-127369
– Quel marcio che strozza Roma. In: Articlo21. 10.05.2018. https://www.articolo21.org/2018/05/quel-marcio-che-strozza-roma/

Rome, Roma, and Mafia

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Several Roma families are connected to the Casamonica Mafia clan which controls a large part of Rome’s criminal activities. The Carabinieri, have carried out the seizure of 430 assets worth over 4 million euros (including a three-storey building, a prestigious villa and various land on the outskirts of Rome) belonging to the Roma family Di Silvio.
Not good for all of us.

– Chi comanda a Roma: la mappa della criminalità nella Capitale. In: Roma Today. 08.02.2018. http://www.romatoday.it/cronaca/mappa-malavita-roma-nomi-clan.html

Something We Don’t Need …

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Three members of a Sinti family were arrested near Rome for robbery and kidnapping. The family answered to private advertisements for car sales, and, upon meeting with the person selling the car, sequestered them and threatened them until they transferred the car ownership to them, clearly without payment.
Something we don’t need.

– Criminalità: arrestati a Roma 3 esponenti della famiglia Casamonica. In: RAI. 03.02.2018. http://www.rainews.it/dl/rainews/articoli/Criminalita-arrestati-a-Roma-3-esponenti-della-famiglia-Casamonica-b87b1bd2-ecf6-4aef-95ed-b56b81323aae.html?refresh_ce
