Tag Archives: Crime

Slovenia: Extorsion

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An article that highlights the issues in Slovenia: In Šentjernej – A group of underage Roma – two girls and a boy – are extorting drivers at parking lots, forcibly opening car doors and inspecting the interior and making it impossible to start the vehicle, demanding money from drivers violently and with threats. Many women no longer dare to go to the store, bank, or church alone without the accompaniment of men, nor do the elderly and children.

This is bad for all.

Slovenia and the Roma “Problem”

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The government should immediately ensure the safety of the citizens of the municipality of Škocjan and inform them within one month of the already adopted or promised measures and systemic plans for solving the Roma problem. This is what the Škocjan municipal council decided at yesterday’s extraordinary meeting, which was called by mayor Jože Kapler due to the increase in violence and crime by individual Roma or groups of Roma in their municipality in recent weeks.

Not good.

Slovenia: Roma “Problem”

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Over last weekend there was a shooting in the Roma settlement Kerinov Grm in the area of the Krško Municipality. While the police intervened and wanted to detain one of the suspects, residents of the local settlement threw stones at the police car.

The former Director General of the Police, Anton Olaj, believes that “the government’s lack of readiness to systematically regulate the Roma issue is reflected in the escalation of violence”. At the same time, he calls on the government to “present the promised softer and “better” solutions to the public after the rejection of the legal initiative of the eleven mayors of SE Slovenia”.

This is a recurring theme in Slovenia and of course populists are on the forefront.

Bulgaria: Scam

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A story in the Bulgarian press about a scam on house reparation committed by Roma. These articles are dangerous, as they always show Roma as criminals and asocial people and contribute to more exclusion.

Switzerland and Roma

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In Bussigny, near Lausanne, Switzerland, several burglaries have been committed, there have been complaints of noise, and depredations on property have been committed.

According to the press and the people living there, it is all because of Roma refugees who recently arrived there.


Greece: A Really Bad Article

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of Greeks involved in thefts and burglaries are Roma” and requires the state to deal with “the systemic delinquency of the Roma”.

He further says that “they used to be mostly vagrants, employed in seasonal agricultural work, basket weaving, petty trading and peddlers, almost all of them uneducated and with slight delinquency, mainly petty theft”.

So basically, all Roma are thieves since immemorial times.

Not a word about the segregation and racism, about the failure of the state to improve housing conditions and so on.

We will pass on the measures advocated by the article like police control of the slums etc.

Thieves in Poland

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The story of thieves who managed to get into a senior citizen house, pretexting to sell them quilts, and while inside stole money. According to the police, these are “most probably” Roma. The fact of saying so even before these people have been arrested is not good.

Switzerland and Beggars

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Ann article in the Swiss boulevard press about organized beggars due to the condemnation of several Roma for having abused people and forced them to beg in Switzerland. When one thinks that the average money made by a beggar in Switzerland is around 20 CHF per day and person, this is really not the most lucrative criminal operation. Such articles generalizing from a single case are really bad.

Slovenia and Roma

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Another case of the Roma “problem” in Slovenia. In this case, the difficult cohabitation of Roma and locals in the town of Šentjernej. The people there apparently no longer feel safe in their municipality, the situation is getting worse, and their trust in state authorities to improve things is decreasing. Apparently, insecurity is indeed increasing.

Germany and Roma

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Not a good thing: In Chemnitz, two Roma families are making headlines for noise, insults, garbage, and in addition they are suspected of shoplifting. Whether true or not, the mere fact that such articles pop up is bad.

Slovenia and Roma

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Bojan Kekecis a member of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia. Last week, he gave an interview about the changes to some laws that relate to the Roma issue. “Living with them is very difficult. I don’t know how they would look in Ljubljana or other places when a beehive or grain in a field is set on fire. Such actions are unacceptable. There is a lot of crime and misdemeanours.”

No comments …

Bulgaria: Brawl

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Another one of these stories that make it always to the press and give the impression all Roma are like this: A fight between two Roma families in Razlog escalated terribly. A 20-year-old boy was stabbed in the stomach and hospitalized. The attacker with the knife fled and is currently being sought. The families are from different parts of the country, but work in Razlog. Last night they sat down to eat and drink at the hotel where they are staying in the city. They got drunk and fought, after which 50-year-old Zivko K. grabbed the knife and wounded 20-year-old Valentin. Seeing what he had done, he fled the scene of the crime.

Switzerland and Roma

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An article about a scam in Zurich, whereby a person asks for food near an automatic distributor, and when a person is kind enough to pay, the scammer selects a charger instead, for a higher sum, which can be returned for deposit at a later stage. According to the victim, a reporter for a local newspaper, she was asked by a “young woman who I would classify as Sinti or Roma”…

Bulgaria and Roma

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The Bulgarian press focuses on bad stories on Roma. Here, on a police operation in three Roma settlements in Kazanlak. This followed the stabbing of a policeman in the Roma settlement “Kazmera” by a 20-year-old criminal from the neighbourhood.

Slovenia and Roma

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The Slovene Ombudsman Peter Svetina visited the municipalities of Škocjan, Sevnica and Radeče, where he met with mayors. In Škocjan, he was informed about the problems they have with individual Roma. At the same time, Svetina emphasized that positive discrimination against the Roma minority cannot discriminate against the rights of the majority population. After the meeting he clarified the statemen, saying Roma population have legislation which protects them, “but positive discrimination cannot discriminate against the rights of the majority population”, but the right balance must be found. “Also, protective legislation does not give the Roma population a free hand for criminal acts”.

Slovenia and Roma ‘Criminality’

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Another article about the attack of two brothers by Roma in Slovenia. The two Lopatec brothers in Dobrava near Škocjan were cleaning the a ditch with an excavator and a tractor when they were attacked by Roma. They threatened them with weapons, and then attacked the two policemen who intervened in the intervention, in the end three were slightly injured.

What the background is, is totally unclear, but the numbers of articles focusing on Roma “crime” is scary.

Slovenia and Roma

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An interview with a catholic deacon on the “Roma Problem” in Slovenia. The deacon is not that clear cut on the roots of the problem and far less on potential solutions. Well, he at least helps some Roma.

Slovenia: Roma Criminality

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Following the attack of two brothers by Roma in Škocja, Slovenia, protests against Roma criminality are increasing. The victims were invited were invited to an extraordinary meeting in Škocjan. They described what happened that day.

Bad for all.
