Tag Archives: Domari

Turkey: The Aftermath

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An organisation helping what they call Roma but further are referred to as Domari, the Middle Eastern cousins of the Roma in Southeastern Turkey in the aftermath of the recent earthquake.

Now the Domari

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Now the Domari

The Dom (plural Domari), who are related to Rroma, stemming from the same Indian migration as them bu having remained in the Middle East instead of moving to the Balkans, are victims of the Syrian War. They are being killed by the Daech, and none of the current factions is really for them. Very much like the Syriac (Aramaic speaking Christians) or the Yazidi, they are the target of the extremists.

The first ones have now arrived in France.

Domari Today

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Domari Today

Two articles on Domari, the Rroma’s Middle Eastern Cousins and their current plight in Syria and as refugees in other countries.

Another minority that is forgotten in this conflict.

Middle East Doms

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Middle East Doms

Middle Eastern Domari are demanding their rights. The Domari are Rroma’s cousins as they are those Rroma who did not cross the Bosphorus in the 10th century and remained in the Middle East. They live in Jordania, Israel, Lebanon, and Syria. In the latter country they are the victims of increasingly sectarian violence.
