Tag Archives: Elections

Slovakia: Racist Attacks

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MP Jozef Pročko (OĽaNO) has a sprained cervical spine and a bruised head after Monday’s incident in Lučenec where he was attacked. At the press conference, he appeared with a fixation collar and announced that he had filed a criminal complaint in connection with the physical attacks on his person.

Pročko, but also OĽaNO candidates Peter Pollák and Viliam Tankó talked about the escalating attacks at their meetings. “We are the target of verbal and physical attacks. Their reason is our Roma origin,” added Pollák.

It was a group of Roma candidates who led the election campaign on Monday in Lučenec, where Prochko also came to support them. “Unknown people started disrupting our event. They shouted at us that we are gypsies, parasites,” Pollák told journalists, adding that after the verbal attacks, there were also physical attacks on Proček.

  • Poslanec Jozef Pročko (OĽaNO) má po pondelkovom incidente v Lučenci podvrtnutú krčnú chrbticu a pomliaždenú hlavu. In: Dennik N. 19.09.2023. https://dennikn.sk/minuta/3577168/

Bulgaria and Elections

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A Bulgarian mayor tried to move a polling station to a Roma neighbourhood. The attempt of the mayor of Gurkovo, Marian Tsonev, elected by the DPS, to move a polling station from the centre of the city to the Roma neighbourhood failed.  Almost all other political forces rose up against him – BSP, GERB, PP, DB, “Vazrazhdane”, ITN and VMRO. They sent a complaint to the regional governor of Stara Zagora, Iva Radeva, who determined the order for the relocation of the section was not correct.

Slovakia, Elections, and Roma

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Representative of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Roma communities, Ján Hero called for parties to remove billboards presenting Roma as antisocial. He also asked on social networks that political parties in the pre-election campaign should not abuse the poverty and difficult living conditions for Roma to present cheap populist solutions.

Bulgaria, the Elections, and Roma

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The upcoming elections in Bulgaria represent a key moment both for the political crisis in the country and for its Roma. For too long, Roma have been systematically excluded from mainstream politics and left vulnerable to those in power. However, new anti-corruption parties have emerged that offer policies that offer hope for change.

While their efforts are laudable, they must recognize that systemic state failures are inextricably linked to the plight of the Roma and require a comprehensive approach to address them. Failure to do so risks perpetuating anti-Roma corruption, symbolism and racism. The election results will determine the lasting progress and stability of Bulgaria and whether the country can truly become an inclusive and fair democracy that represents all its citizens. The Roma refuse to be marginalized anymore and are determined to challenge the status quo to make their voices heard. It is up to the political class to recognize their ability and determination and work towards a more inclusive and just political system.

Bulgaria: Bleak future

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Bulgarian elections are coming, and with them articles about vote buying, especially in Roma communities. On one of the dark days of the last election week, the leaders of the Roma community in the neighborhood of the village of Kalipetrovo, located near Silistra, gathered for a cup of tea to share their grievance that “they promised to buy them a bicycle, but another time”. This other time, however, there are not even promises.

They are happy with their mayor, but one bird does not make spring. And they want simple things – a better life for the grandchildren they are raising while their sons and daughters are in England and somewhere else in the world.

Slovakia Referendum

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Slovakia currently votes on a controversial referendum to call for early elections. This referendum has been supported by the SMER (Slovak Social Demcracy) which was in power when Jan Kuciak, a journalist, was murdered following an investigation into corruption.

Peter Pollak, a Roma MP has been criticizing the attorney general for using a legal tool available to him, Paragraph 363. His use of the article has been widely criticized, including by the Slovak president. Peter Pollak compared the attorney general to Mafia Mobsters. “The attorney general is likely to be inspired,” by infamous drug lords. “It may appear to us that he has similar methods. He uses the audience’s attention just when something big is resonating in Slovakia and many are discussing it,” explains Pollák.

Czech Elections

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79% of the Roma in a small closed village voted for Babiš in the first round of the presidential elections in the Czech Republic. Marco Cavali from Prague, the chairman of the Roma Luma (Roma World) party, which he founded in 2021, called on the Roma to vote for Andrej Babiš. “And the Roma also voted for Babiš in the first round. Only this candidate is a sure guarantee of a safe life in the Czech Republic for the Roma,” Cavali tells CNN Prima NEWS.

This is bad. Babiš is a populist, supported by the far-right Okamura’s party. This will not turn out good for the Roma.

Slovakia Mayor Elections

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The mayoral election in Kecerovce, in Eastern Slovakia, saw the re-election for the fourth time of the outgoing mayor Miroslav Galas-Zaufal of the SMER, the leftist populist party of the former prime-minister Fico. Only problem, the village is 90% Roma and they say they didn’t vote for him… The police is investigating.

Bulgarian Elections and Roma

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Voting in the country’s Roma neighbourhoods was met with an extremely low interest, probably due to regular and massive police operations against vote-buyers, an unfortunately common practice. The previous trend of local voters favouring GERB, a conservative and populist party and to some extent DPS was maintained, as can be seen from the protocols of the sectional election commissions.

That Roma favour GERB is somewhat surprising, as they are not specially kind to them.

Bulgaria: More Fraud?

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In the current Bulgarian elections, one party (SIK) claims that another one (GERB) voted instead of the Roma in a Roma neighbourhood in Shumen.

Bulgaria: Fraud?

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There were some information of  potential sabotage of voting machines in some Roma neighbourhoods in Bulgaria. Several voters claim that the machine miscounted their vote.
