Tag Archives: Exclusion

Roma and Slovenes

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Roma and Slovenes

Relations between the Ribnica Roma, the municipal administration and the majority population have long been at a standstill, the state must put an end to this. On March 2, 2014, 16 Roma men and women from two Slovenian Roma settlements filed a lawsuit with the European Court of Human Rights for violation of the right to water. These are the settlements of Dobruška vas in Škocjan and Gori. They lost their case in 2022. But the situation has not improved at all…

House without an Exit

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Tomáš Hlaváček, director of the film House Without an Exit explains that his documentary shows that since the state and its institutions leaves the Roma to fend off by themselves, they rely on the family. But this is not always an advantage, as it keeps the families in a spiral of exclusion and poverty.


Slovakia, Roma, and Poor Health

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Slovakia, Roma, and Poor Health

Anthropologist Andrej Belák from the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV) has published a scientific study in one of the most prestigious social science journals in the world. It is focused on the causes of the poor health status of excluded Roma in Slovakia.

The published work is mainly based on a series of in-depth field research carried out between 2004 and 2015. “These mapped in detail the daily practice of the excluded Roma themselves and then various professionals of the health system who worked with the excluded Roma on a daily basis,” the SAV spokeswoman explained. According to her, the work brings to the fore and vividly summarizes deeper connections that have been little known in the international context until now.

Well, you do not really need a PhD to understand that exclusion and poverty are not good for one’s health…

Slovenia and Roma

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Slovenia and Roma

Anti-Roma rhetoric is on the rise in Slovenia, echoed by the media and fueled by politicians of all persuasions, following several incidents involving members of the community in the south-east of the country. While Roma are the most discriminated against minority in Slovenia, there are solutions to improve integration. An interview with a Roma activist.

More on Travellers in Switzerland

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More on Travellers in Switzerland

Whereas the other travellers in Bern, as we learnt, Sinti, created problems (see yesterday’s post), these Rroma in Aargau left the land clean and paid for their stay. It is therefore all the more of a mystery why the peasant will not want to rend another time to Travellers…


French Chronicle

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French Chronicle

After a pause due to Easter (not in France – on the redaction side), a further French chronicle. Actually very quiet, as this is the season where expulsions are the norm.

In Annet sur Marne, judges ordered the expulsion of the Rroma camp; in Roubaix, the decision of the judges is still reported, and the future of that particular camp is still in the cards; in Lens, a collective supporting Rroma is asking for financial support; a manifestation for supporting Rroma attracted less than 50 people, BAD; a young Rrom was electrocuted while playing in a squat; in Saint Denis, north of Paris, residents protested against illegal vendors and Rroma by organizing a market on the street; and finally, a positive note in the North of France on social lodgins and so-called insertions villages.

Italy: Reality and Coverage

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Italy: Reality and Coverage

An article on Rroma in Italy. Well done, it states the correct facts, and the reality. According to the article, there are approximately “180,000 Roma and Sinti […] currently living in our country. In fact, most of them live, work and lead a normal life while, according to the association July 21, about 35,000 live in emergency housing, and nearly 20,000 of them in formal settlements. This is basically 0.06% on the Italian population (tiny percentage compared to the media coverage)”

A good Read!

Reduced Other French News

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Reduced Other French News

The French news are dominated by the regional elections in France where Rroma are instrumentalised by the Front National. Many articles on this topic, but little specific content beyond this fact…

Other than that, few news beyond Saint-Genis-les-Ollières. In Wissous, neighbours are furious because of the Rroma camp, complaining about noise, dirt, and rats; a cadaver was discovered in a site previously squatted by Rroma near Marseilles; one family (yes, one) happy tale in the North of France after having found a permanent housing; and finally an exhibitionist who was paying Rroma children to watch him – one of the few news with Rroma where the Rroma are not the criminals…

France: Opposition to an Integration Village

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France: Opposition to an Integration Village

The inhabitants and the mayor of the small village of Saint-Genis-les-Ollières near Lyon are continuing their opposition to an integration village (village d’insertion) for Rroma in their commune. They are now giving back their elector’s cards and the mayor’s trying a last legal recourse against this decision.

Gens Du Voyage in France: Unwanted

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Gens Du Voyage in France: Unwanted

Besides being criminals (see other post), Gens du Voyage – travellers, are also unwanted in France. People don’t want them near them for sure. This term usually covers Manouches, Sinti, and Lovara and Kaldersasha who are at home in France besides non-Rroma groups of travellers.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Clearly, with the events in France, the “Rroma Problem” somehow faded in the background. Interestingly enough, the Rroma yes, the “Gens du Voyage” [Travellers], not. So here’s a short overview of the general news: In La Courneuve, where Rroma were expelled from their camp, expelled Rroma organised a dinner for the victims of the attacks in Paris; an article about the scholarisation of Rroma children; in Lyon, a demonstration for migrants was annulled following the attacks; in the north, Rroma have problems to get their skills recognised; Rroma are still squatting; in another place, the illegal camps are resolved – allegedly; in Beziers, in the South, an association against Racism is being asked to vacate their offices; in the West, in la Rochelle, health is more important than money, thanks God; some people are thinking about the causes for the attack; and finally, festivals and music in various place in France on Rroma.

Increasing Getthoisation in Bulgaria

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Increasing Getthoisation in Bulgaria

Interesting article about the situation of Rroma in Bulgaria and their increasing victimisation and isolation based on observations on the Rroma Mahala (neighbourhood) of Iztok in the city of Pazardjik.

Norway: Children at risk of foster care

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Norway: Children at risk of foster care

A report by the Council of Europe Human Right Commissioner, Nils Muižnieks, claims that a quarter of Norwegian Rroma children in Olso are in or at risk of being put in foster care. Upon more careful reading, one finds that 60 children are in, and another 60 are at risk of being put in foster care. So all in all 120 children, which, if this is true, means there are 460 Rroma children in Oslo. Who knows … It would be better to say the exact numbers instead of clamouring some phony eye catching headline which is obviously not correct.

Law Case in Finland and Rroma

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Law Case in Finland and Rroma

A case of abduction, sequestration and rape where a young Rromni was abducted by a Rrom and his daughter, forced to have sex – having 4 children in the process, and finally being freed after several years is raising controversy in Finland. The reason: the mild verdict ( 3 years and ten months for the father, 2 years and 8 month for the daugher), which according to the press was due to the fact that they are Rroma, the father having claimed this was culturally ok among Rroma, as the abducted girl was de-fact his wife according to custom.

Finnish Rroma (so-called Kaale) countered that the deed was in no way condoned by the community nor was it the result of cultural traits. They also criticised the debate in the press.

Follows an extensive debate about culture and law… Fact is, Rroma culture doesn’t condone such acts, by far. Contrary, this would have resulted traditionally in the total exclusion of the Rrom from the community. Unfortunately, some of these traditions are getting lost, in part due to the pentacostal influence and other assimilation factors.

France accused by the UN of having a racist problem

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France accused by the UN of having a racist problem

France has been slammed by a UN report on racism in France. The report, among other states that “The committee is concerned by the recrudescence of hate and xenophobic speech in certain political circles and the media which contribute to the trivialisation of racism and xenophobia”. It cites racism against Jews, Moslems, but also increasingly against Rroma with statements such as the “unbearable smell” of Rroma in public transportation, but also due to police brutality in clearing illegal camps and the breach of the rights to proper lodging when expelled from such camps.

This increase of racism towards minorities is worrisome and not worthy of a country like France. Unfortunately, in the case of Rroma, even people such as the Prime Minister are prone to racist statements – for example when he deemed that Rroma do not and cannot integrate. This has to stop.

International Roma Day: Ongoing discrimination and exclusion

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International Roma Day: Ongoing discrimination and exclusion

While many countries mark the international Rroma day on April 8th, discrimination, exclusion, and ongoing issues are still the norm for many Rroma in Europe. Europe should mark the day and remember its largest transnational European minority.
