Tag Archives: Exhibition

Timişoasa Exhibition

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An exhibition on the Roma Genocide during the Holocaust in Timişoara, Romania.

Slovakia: Portraits

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The portraits of ten Slovak Roma writers, as part of the exhibit “Portraits Between the Lines” from the artist  Šarlota Bottová opened on Tuesday (November 7) in the Ethnographic Museum in Martin. It was prepared by the Museum of Roma Culture in Slovakia on the occasion of the World Day of the Roma Language (November 5).

Exhibition on Roma and the Holocaust

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In the gallery of the City History Museum in Fiľakovo, Slovakia, visitors will be able to view the exhibition of the Dutch photographer Jutka Rona entitled Hungarian Gypsies – Survivors’ Testimony dedicated to the memory of the Hungarian Roma holocaust.

Hungarian-born photographer Jutka Rona was two years old when her parents immigrated to the Netherlands.

Hungary: Special Exhibition

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On November 5, the World Day of the Romani Language, the Museum of Ethnography in Budapest invites for a temporary exhibition on Roma stories. The foundation of the exhibition, which opened on May 23 this year, is quite extraordinary: the Kamill Erdős legacy has been preserved in the collection of the Ferenc Erkel Museum in Gyula. For the first time, the interested public can see the results of the research conducted among Roma in Hungary in the 19th century.

Poland: Exhibition

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An exhibition of photographs by Arkadiusz Gola about the Silesian Roma community at the Schoen Palace in Sosnowiec, close to Katowice, Poland, is opening on October 26th.

Our People

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An exhibition in the Ingolstadt City Museum from Sunday, October 22nd deals with the persecution of the Sinti and Roma from the Ingolstadt region before, during and after National Socialism. The so-called “second persecution” after 1945 is also discussed: the long road to recognition of the genocide, the fight for compensation and against the police “special registration”.

Montenegro: Exhibition

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The NGO “Koračite sa nama – Phiren Amenca” opened the exhibition “Racial diagnosis: “Gypsy” – the Nazi genocide of the Roma and Sinti and the long struggle for recognition” paid a special tribute to the victims of the Roma and Sinti victims of the Holocaust during the Second World War.

Exhibition in Gdansk

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“Historians are still trying to estimate the exact number of victims of the crime in Ponary, which was committed by the German occupiers together with Lithuanian auxiliary troops, the Shaulis. Estimates say at least 80,000. victims” said Deputy Minister of Culture and National Heritage Dr. Jarosław Sellin during the opening of the exhibition “Victims of crime in Ponary near Vilnius 1941-1944”, which took place today at Targ Węglowy in Gdańsk . The exhibition can be visited until September 29, 2023.

The victims were mostly Jewish but there were also Roma and Poles who were killed there.

Germany: Exhibition

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The exhibition “The Path of #Sinti and #Roma” by the Hessian State Association of Sinti and Roma  in northern Hesse will be shown from Saturday, September 2, 2023 (opening from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.) until September 26, 2023.

French Chronicle …

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Mixed bag of news this week on Roma in France. A photo exhibition in Arles on Gitanos with more than 150 photos from Jacques Léonard. Worth seeing. An open letter to Macron, asking him to let the “Tsiganes” live like citizen. The usage of “Tsiganes” in France is still prevalent. An article stating that 1.2 million people are victims of racism in France every year, with of course Roma topping the list. A comic strip on refugees that also highlights Roma, and then the usual: condemnation of young Roma for theft during the recent riots, and an article of the extreme right paper about Roma settlers in the camps.

Trnava: Exhibition

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Born in Trnava, Emília Rigová  has her own exhibition in Trnava for the first time. Yesterday, she opened the Untitled exhibition in the Synagogue – a space for contemporary art, in which she deals with the theme of the Roma Holocaust. She has been working on it for a long time. “Only now has she reached the place where she really belongs, and that adds a new semantic level to the work,” she told Trnavské rádio.

Małgorzata Mirga-Tas

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Another article, this time in the Polish press about Małgorzata Mirga-Tas’ exhibition in Berlin. The host of the exhibition is the famous Brücke Museum, presenting only Expressionist painters associated in the early 20th century in the group “Die Brücke”. Małgorzata Mirgi-Tas’s exhibition “Sivdem Amenge. I sewed for us” is an artistic dialogue with selected artists of this group. But not only.

The article states that Małgorzata Mirga-Tas is currently the most famous contemporary Polish visual artist in the world.

Arles: Exhibition

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A Photographic Pilgrimage will be presented this summer at the chapel of the Museon Arlaten, the “Rencontres d’Arles” invited the film director Tony Gatlif (Latcho Drom, Gadjo dilo, Exils, Liberté, Tom Medina, etc.) to tell us the story of the Gypsies, Manouches , Roma and Travelers from France and Europe.

Slavonski Brod, Croatia: Exhibition

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As part of the projects ‘Equality for Roma through suppression of discrimination’ and ‘School of Human Rights’, the Slavonski Brod Information and Legal Center organized the ‘Photovoice’ exhibition in the City Library.

It is an exhibition of photos of Roma mediators, volunteers and pupils of the Hugo Badalić Primary School in Brod with scenes from the everyday life of members of the Roma national minority in their settlement in Slavonski Brod.
