A fire in a Roma settlement in Bar, Montenegro, on Volujica hill, left four people dead.
The Roma Council said their thoughts are with the families of the victims and they bemoaned the precarious living conditions of the Roma there.
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- Ромски савјет: Наше мисли су с породицама страдалих. In: IN4S. 15.02.2024. https://www.in4s.net/romski-savjet-nase-misli-su-s-porodicama-stradalih/
- Romski savjet: Nadležni da istraže uzroke tragedije u Baru. In: Press. 15.02.2024. https://press.co.me/romski-savjet-nadlezni-da-istraze-uzroke-tragedije-u-baru/