Tag Archives: Interview

Slovenia and Elderly People

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Slovenia and Elderly People

A series in Radio entitled “A Bench Under the Free Sun” talks to Micka, a 74-year-old pensioner, who lives in a housing unit of the Public Housing Fund of the City of Ljubljana. On her father’s side, she has roots in the Roma community, where she also spent her childhood. She shares with us the challenges and trials she has faced throughout her life. She describes the discrimination she has faced as a Romni, who, despite poverty and difficult circumstances, maintains her identity and family ties. In the conversation, we learn how life has shaped her view of the world.

Czechia: Roma vakeren

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Czechia: Roma vakeren

Another “Roma Vakeren” in Czechia. This time on Patrik Banga’s a Roma journalist book “on the way to America” snd on the Czech Television’s documentary cycle Me Som presenting Roma personalities, here Elena Gorolová, a fighter for compensation for involuntarily sterilized women.

Interview of Zeljko Jovanovič

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Zeljko Jovanovič, the president of the Roma Foundation for Europe and a long term activist calls for the community to look to the future and learn from the past. “I would like young Roma to see themselves as a source of collective strength. Let them work as a collective to build a higher level of resistance,” he said in an interview for iROZHLAS.cz at a conference on the anniversary of the Roma Holocaust in Poland.


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An interview with Jana Horváthová, director of the Museum of Roma Culture in Brno. She says that “Negative things [about Roma] are heard a lot, although lately it has been decreasing. But recently, during the opening of the monument in Lety, there was again an abundance of hateful comments on social networks dishonouring the Roma and their culture. That’s a real shame.”

Interview with Dragan Ristić

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Dragan Ristić, producer, actor and member of the KAL group, talks to Danas about the position of Roma in Serbia, their inclusion that Europe insists on, how important education is when it comes to the minority population, prejudices that should be broken, as well as about Roma symbols.

Austria: Portrait

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A portrait and interview of the Burgenland Romni Danijela Cicvaric, the director of the Vienna Association Romano Centro. Romano Centro has been working since 1991 for helping Roma, combatting discrimination, and promoting integration.

Sandi Horvath

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The second part of an interview with Sandi Horvath, a Rom, a journalist and thepresident of the Roma Academic Club. In the second part of the interview, he tells more about his difficult personal path to education and professional success. He also says that “many educated Roma went to work abroad because Slovenia did not recognize their potential.”

This is new in Slovenia where usually in the press, all Roma are poor, uneducated, and criminals.

Poland: Interview

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An interview with Sonia Styrkacz, a psychologist from a Silesian Roma family married to a Carpathian Polish Rom.On Christmas traditions, she says: “On Christmas Eve, various traditions mix in our house – Romani, Polish, Catholic, Silesian, highlander. I am a Silesian Roma, my husband is a mountain Roma from Podhale, so our family traditions are different. In my family home, holidays were a time of meeting, peace and conversation. Religious aspects receded into the background. For my husband, there are no holidays without mass. We also have different culinary traditions – my husband’s family fasted on Christmas Eve, while mine ate meat. We weren’t preparing maybe 12 dishes, but there had to be a lot of food – stuffed cabbage rolls, pork chops and minced meat, roulades, which we took over from Silesian cuisine.”

Interview with Željko Jovanović

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An interview with the president of the Roma Foundation for Europe. He says that “If Europe wants to live up to its own values, it cannot continue to treat the Roma the way it has before”.
