Tag Archives: Jan Hero

Slovakia, Elections, and Roma

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Representative of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Roma communities, Ján Hero called for parties to remove billboards presenting Roma as antisocial. He also asked on social networks that political parties in the pre-election campaign should not abuse the poverty and difficult living conditions for Roma to present cheap populist solutions.

Slovakia and Roma Settlements

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Local civil and preventive services (MOPS) were still functioning until recently. However, the funding for this activity has been slowly depleted. The Slovak government is planning to restore the service. “Eligible applicants are municipalities with the presence of a marginalized Roma community, which are listed in the Atlas of Roma Communities 2019, and which have at least 80 inhabitants of this community,” explained Ján Hero, the government representative for Roma communities.

Slovakia: A Fire and Help

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The Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Roma Communities will allocate financial aid from the subsidy scheme for emergency situations to the fire-stricken village of Telgárt, where more than half of the huts in the local settlement burned down.

Slovakia and Roma Segregation

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The temporarily appointed Slovak Prime Minister Eduard Heger (Democrats) and Peter Pellegrini (Hlas-SD). Answered questions from the Audience. Some questions also touched on the lawsuit that Slovakia is currently facing for the segregation of Roma children. While Heger claimed that it is not a problem that could be solved overnight with money, ex-prime minister Peter Pellegrini has a completely different opinion. Eduard Heger says that the segregation of Roma children must be solved by their integration, but he did not present concrete steps to achieve this. Peter Pellegrini, on the other hand, is against interfering with the composition of classes. i.e. introducing quotas.

In fact, the issue is not that complex: Segregation occurs when schools are located in Roma settlements, and moving the children to other schools would solve the issue. The US knows about it.

Slovakia and Roma Integration

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One year after the adoption of the first action plan of the Strategy for Roma Equality, Inclusion and Participation until 2030, it will be necessary to strengthen communication and monitoring of the completion of the tasks. Ján Hero, the representative of the Slovak government for Roma communities, admitted it. Former Roma plenipotentiary, current Member of the European Parliament Peter Pollák Sr. points out that even the perfect strategy and action plan cannot improve the situation of marginalized Roma if all those involved do not make increased efforts.

Jan Hero

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An interview with Jan Hero, the Slovak Commissioner for Roma Communities. In the interview, he says that “undignified living or existence is not an ethnic problem”, spoke about how his childhood in a Roma settlement motivates him to work as a government representative for Roma, and that he expects politicians to use Roma instead of the derogatory “cigan”.
