Tag Archives: Justice

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Quite a few articles this week in France about Roma. First, the mayor and five inhabitants from Volleron, near Paris, had to appear in front of a judge, being accused of destruction of property and racist violence. They had violently dispersed a Roma camp two years ago. We have omitted another article on the subject, as this was clearly biased.

Several articles about the evacuation of a Roma camp in Verneuil, and of another one in Persan, both near Paris. An upcoming debate on the movie “A bras Ouverts”, a movie that panders to racist stereotypes about Roma. Finally, in Nantes in Western France, the arrestation of 6 Roma teenagers who apparently are behind the burglaries of  around 15 pharmacies in the region.

Poland, Justice, and Roma

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Poland, Justice, and Roma

The Polish Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar, has initiated the procedure for the dismissal of Adam Kanafek from the position of president of the District Court in Bielsko-Biała.

Adam Kanafek, signed letters of support for the neo-KRS, and attacked the Roma community in Poland. Years ago, he dismissed a case involving a racist post on the Internet about them. In the justification for the dismissal, he wrote, among other things, “It is no secret that the way of life of the Roma is controversial and often meets with social disapproval. The accused criticized inappropriate behaviour, in particular concerning evading the accepted rules of earning a living.”

Croatia: Veljko Kajtazi

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As RTL unofficially learns, another criminal complaint has been filed against MP Veljko Kajtazi. After the one due to violence where he is accused of having hit a woman, now we are talking about financial embezzlement, and that is related to a large Roma centre that is under construction.


Czechia: Freed

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The district court in Karviná released Jaromír Lukeš on parole, convicted of an arson attack on Roma in Vítkov in 2009. Lukeš was sentenced to 22 years in prison for his attack with accomplices on a Roma house in Vítkov.

Slovenia: New Measures

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The Minister of Justice, Andreja Katič, believes that a change in legislation is not necessary directly because of the Roma issue. Several legislative changes and innovations are being prepared, including the law on juvenile offenders and changes to criminal legislation, she said after a meeting with the Minister of the Interior, Boštjan Poklukar.

Slovakia, the Police, and Roma

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For the first time in the history of Slovakia, the court ruled that the police acted in a discriminatory manner during the intervention in the Roma settlement. It happened more than nine years ago in the village of Vrbnica near Michalovce. Fifteen Roma ended up in hospital after police intervention. T

he Ministry of the Interior appealed against the court’s verdict.

Sweden, Roma, and Organisations

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The Swedish Institute for Language and Folklore ISOF has filed a criminal complaint for the first time.

Unit manager Ester Enhsmyr wrote to Radio Romano that it concerns the Sinti and Roma Council in Umeå, which has submitted deficient accounts of contributions of SEK 100,000 thousand (roughly 8’600 euros).

Czechia and Illegal Sterilisations

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A decision of the Supreme Administrative Court says that the Ministry of Health must now actively verify whether an applicant for compensation was subjected to illegal sterilization in the past.

The impetus for changing the system was the request of a woman whose request for compensation was rejected by the Ministry of Health in the spring of 2022. The decision was mainly justified by the fact that the applicant’s medical records had already been shredded and she herself had not proven the illegality of her sterilization.

Brno and the Killing

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A year ago, in Brno, a young Rom died after being stabbed by a Ukrainian. The court acquitted the man this spring. According to the verdict, it was a necessary defence. Representatives of the Roma minority in Brno would like to reopen the case are seeking legal advice.

Brno: Suspended Sentences

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Brno: Protests

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Several dozen Roma gathered in front of the Brno Regional Court to protest against Friday’s acquittal verdict in the case of the death of a young Roma near the Brno Dam. Protesters do not agree with the court’s statement that the Ukrainian stabbed and killed the young man in self-defence. If it were the other way around, no one would recognize it as a necessary defence, said one of the speakers from the Roma community.

Brno: The Aftermath

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A crisis meeting of the Roma Council of the City of Brno took place in Brno. It was a response to the acquittal verdict of the Regional Court in the case of the death of a young Rom. The verdict caused a wave of disappointment among the members of the council and confirmed, according to them, the concerns of the Roma community about distrust in the justice system, especially when the victims are Roma. Brno Mayor Markéta Vaňková and Deputy Mayor Robert Kerndl also took part in the meeting.

Brno: Verdict

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The court pardoned a Ukrainian who was originally charged with the murder of a young Rom in Brno last summer. According to the final verdict, it was a necessary self-defence. The verdict caused was met with disbelief and sadness by  the Roma minority.

Child Abuse Case

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Canadian anthropology professor David Scheffel had been conducting research on child prostitution in Roma settlements in Slovakia since the revolution and was accused of sexual crimes. He spent 6 years in prison for a validly convicted act of sexual abuse and endangering moral education. And he is free with an electronic bracelet waiting for the next verdict in another case.

Now some of the witnesses are recanting.

The Case of an Anthropologist

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The case of David Scheffel, a Canadian university teacher, who was accused and convicted of the crime of sexual abuse concurrently with the offense of endangering the moral education of youth is being reopened.

In January 2024, the media reported that the case was being heard again at the District Court in Prešov, where two of the victims should testify that no abuse took place and deny their statements from the preliminary proceedings and previous court hearings. The defendant’s prominent lawyer, Daniel Lipšice (now a special prosecutor), said that Roma lie and are therefore untrustworthy…


Ukraine and a Murder

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A riot in Transcarpathian Ukraine a few days ago was started by Roma to protest the release of murder suspects. Now the Court decided to still keep other suspect in this murder that occurred during a fight on November 27th of last year in custody.

  • Учасників масової бійки в Підвиноградові знову затримають: триває розслідування резонансної справи (ФОТО). In: Golos Karpat. 30.01.2024. https://goloskarpat.info/criminal/65b8c2e63a298/

Czech Republic and Murder

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In Brno, a young Roma was killed by a Ukrainian last summer following an altercation. While the thirty-eight-year-old Ukrainian Roman Rohozin, whom the public prosecutor accuses of murdering a young Roma at the Brno dam, has to wait until the beginning of March for the verdict, other participants in last year’s incident already know their punishments. Two men who attacked the Ukrainian together with the deceased young man were punished by the Brno city court for disorderly conduct.

Czech Republic – Sentences

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A Czech Court sentenced two Roma who took part in a mass fight in Pardubice between Roma and Ukrainians at the beginning of this year’s holidays to 150 and 200 hours of community service. The Ukrainian suspect is not yet sentenced but risks up to two years of prison.

Montenegro, Justice, and Domestic Violence

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The Roma Council and the non-governmental organization (NGO) “Sistem” strongly condemn the shameful verdict that was pronounced by the decision of the High Court, a prison sentence of 12 years, for the murder of Zumrita Nerda, in January of last year.

The condemned Dalibor Nikolić, according to the indictment, brutally murdered his pregnant wife in front of her other children.
