Tag Archives: Music

Hungary – Xenophobia

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Latest numbers on Xenophobia in Hungary. They almost make it sound positive. TO quote: “Only 21% of respondents said they would accept Arabs as their neighbors, while 32% would accept Roma, 35% Christian refugees from Syria, 45% homosexuals, 47% Chinese, 50% Americans, 51% African university students, 57% Jews, 60% rock musicians, and 76% ethnic Hungarian immigrants from Transylvania in Romania, index.hu reported”
This is more positive than saying that 79% of Hungarians would not accept Arabs as their neighbours, 68% would not accept Rroma, etc… The level of xenophobia is indeed high.

– Xenophobia skyrocketing in Hungary, surveys reveal. In: Budapest Journal. 17.11.2016. http://bbj.hu/budapest/xenophobia-skyrocketing-in-hungary-surveys-reveal_124920 [link-preview url=”http://bbj.hu/budapest/xenophobia-skyrocketing-in-hungary-surveys-reveal_124920″]

Mare Manuschenge – Our People

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Romeo Franz, a Sinto musician and politician in Germany has composed and presented for the first time his new composition – Mare Manuschenge [our people], a piece devoted to the victims of the Holocaust. He played yesterday in the long night of the museums, presenting other pieces by famous Sinti composers, among which Schnuckenack Reinhardt and of course also Django.

– Politik mit der Violine. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. 13.10.2016. http://www.sueddeutsche.de/kultur/lange-nacht-der-musik-politik-mit-der-violine-1.3204715 [link-preview url=”http://www.sueddeutsche.de/kultur/lange-nacht-der-musik-politik-mit-der-violine-1.3204715″]

New York: Concert for Rroma

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A concert has been planned under the name “Sing it Romanes” in New York on November 3rd to highlight the Rroma culture and music. It is organised by the Romani Media Initiative and the Areté Youth Foundation.

– Concert for Roma Planned for November 3 in New York City. In: PR Newswire. 10.10.2016. http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/concert-for-roma-planned-for-november-3-in-new-york-city-300341621.html [link-preview url=”http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/concert-for-roma-planned-for-november-3-in-new-york-city-300341621.html”]

Czech Republic: Dance Festival

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A Rroma dance festival took place in Česka Lipa, Czech Republic. 200 young Rroma danced to various tunes, showing their skills and the fact that they haven’t lost their old dancing traditions- Festival romského tance ukázal, že mladí stále umějí držet traduce. In: Denik. 29.09.2016. http://www.denik.cz/liberecky-kraj/festival-romskeho-tance-ukazal-ze-mladi-stale-umeji-drzet-tradice-20160928.html [link-preview url=”http://www.denik.cz/liberecky-kraj/festival-romskeho-tance-ukazal-ze-mladi-stale-umeji-drzet-tradice-20160928.html”]

Czech Philharmonic and Rroma

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The Czech Philharmonic is taking time to teach young disadvantaged Rroma music in a music and dance camp attended by 60 children.

Few remarks: There are more than 60 kids in need. And why dance? Isn’t this just too much stereotype?

Israel Galvan’s latest Show

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A review of Israel Galvan’s latest spectacle in Vienna, Austria. His latest show, called Fla.Co.Men sees him with an apron, a rather unusual sight in Flamenco.

But well, however dressed, he is and remains one of the best Flamenco dancers!

More on the Rroma Festival in Bratislava

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Some pictures and news from the Bratislava Rroma festival.

Zurich: Fahrendes Kultur Zentrum

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As every year, the so-called Travelling Culture Centre of Jenische, Sinti and Rroma stopped in Zurich. With a moving exhibition, a few caravans and some music, the centre aims to present the culture of travellers in Switzerland, mostly the Jenische, but to a lesser extent some of the Sinti and Rroma in that country.
