Tag Archives: Media

So Vakeres?

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The Roma show So vakeres (What are you talking about?) is broadcasted twice a month and is created by Roma journalists. It provides an opportunity to preserve Roma culture and present it to those who do not yet know it. Their creators hope and wish that these shows would also help to reduce prejudice against the Roma.

Romano voďi

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A new magazine has been launched in the Czech Republic: Romano vod’i. In this first edition, an article on Jan Cibula, first Rom medical doctor and one of the original founders of the International Romani Union, Jan Ort, a Rom and activist, and Lucie Fuková, a Roma representative.

Roma and Czech Media

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Roma are mostly presented negatively in the media, they still face discrimination! This follows from a survey by Romea. Respondents to the survey had the opportunity to choose Roma personalities, who were then invited by the first Roma internet television to the Desetiminutovka Plus program. “Some mentioned specific names, others just fields from which Roma should be invited to our program. Some of the names of Romany personalities that appeared in the poll, we have already had as guests on the show.

Czech Republic: Tuke TV

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Journalist and presenter Alica Sigmund Heráková is the co-founder of Internet television Tuke TV. She says that “The mainstream media only shows Roma people when there is a problem. We have created our own media world,”

Czech Republic, Roma, and Disinformation

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Following the two attacks against Roma by Ukrainian refugees, and following a spate of rumours, the Czech government is taking actions against disinformation about Ukrainian targeted at the Roma minority.

Slovakia: Romano Forum

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The journalist Pavol Lacko (35) has created an online magazine called “Romano Forum” with the ambition to make it the first opportunity to find relevant information about Roma in Slovakia. He is helped by cooperation with the local N, which is a partner website of the magazine. Lacko, an investigative journalist, brought high standards to the magazine and has also expanded the focus on LGBTI+ people. For more than a year of operation, Romano forum brought 100 articles and does not avoid criticism inside the community.
