Tag Archives: Murder

Slovakia: Murder in School

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Slovakia: Murder in School

A sad story of a young blond Slovak who attacked classmates with a knife. Apparently everybody,  teachers, students, ignored the aggressivity of this boy, and the fact that he hated “Gyspies”, boasting having beaten some of them up.

Sad, and bad.

French Chronicle …

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Two artciles about the racist murder of a pregnat Romni in France near Geneva. One exhibition about Roma (with a lot os tereotypes); on person stopped while wanting to destroy a Roma camp with a bulldozer; and the case of landowners ordered to cleanup an illegal dump that was apparently started by Roma.

Slovenia, Partisans, and Excecutions

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Communist partisans murdered 3’450 in the cave under Macesnova gorica in early 1945. These were Slovenians prisonners of war and Roma. Some of theme still do not have a burial place. The mayor of Ljubljana refused recently that the Roma killed in this massacre be buried in the city’s cemetery.

French Chronicle …

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Not much this week in France, most probably due to the upcoming elections.

An article about Angela Rostas, a 40 years old pregnant Romni who was killed recently in Savoie, near Geneva, victim of a racist murder. The other article is about Roma who are squatting in a stadium near Nates, after having been evicted from their previous camp.

Brno and the Killing

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A year ago, in Brno, a young Rom died after being stabbed by a Ukrainian. The court acquitted the man this spring. According to the verdict, it was a necessary defence. Representatives of the Roma minority in Brno would like to reopen the case are seeking legal advice.

French Chronicle …

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A few news this week about Roma in France: a 26 year old man has been arrested for the murder of a pregnant Romni in Haute Savoie, close to Geneva. The crime seems to have been racially motivated. Other news are about EU Funds for the integration of Roma and the closure of a camp in Strasbourg.

Brno: Suspended Sentences

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Brno Protests

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On the one hand, indignation over Friday’s verdict of the Brno Regional Court, which acquitted Ukrainians in the case of the death of a young Roma at the Brno Reservoir, on the other hand, disappointment over the low turnout. This is what the demonstration looked like, where about five dozen Roma gathered in front of the Brno courthouse on Sunday afternoon.

Brno: Protests

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Several dozen Roma gathered in front of the Brno Regional Court to protest against Friday’s acquittal verdict in the case of the death of a young Roma near the Brno Dam. Protesters do not agree with the court’s statement that the Ukrainian stabbed and killed the young man in self-defence. If it were the other way around, no one would recognize it as a necessary defence, said one of the speakers from the Roma community.

French Chronicle …

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Not much this week in the French press about Roma. An article about the recent murder of a Romni near the Swiss border in Genève, and a large police action in Western France after thefts in a company.

Brno: The Aftermath

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A crisis meeting of the Roma Council of the City of Brno took place in Brno. It was a response to the acquittal verdict of the Regional Court in the case of the death of a young Rom. The verdict caused a wave of disappointment among the members of the council and confirmed, according to them, the concerns of the Roma community about distrust in the justice system, especially when the victims are Roma. Brno Mayor Markéta Vaňková and Deputy Mayor Robert Kerndl also took part in the meeting.

Brno: Verdict

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The court pardoned a Ukrainian who was originally charged with the murder of a young Rom in Brno last summer. According to the final verdict, it was a necessary self-defence. The verdict caused was met with disbelief and sadness by  the Roma minority.

On a Murder

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Her name was Angela Rostas, she was Romni and lived with her husband in a caravan on isolated land in Chênex, in France. She was 40 years old, the mother of three daughters and seven months pregnant. On February 22, she was shot and killed. That day, around 5 p.m., “she heard noises outside her mobile home. Going out to see what it was, she was shot on her doorstep and died,” says the French organization Voix des Roms in a press release, which also indicates having filed a complaint the week passed.

Roma associations suspect a racist murder.

Ukraine and a Murder

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A riot in Transcarpathian Ukraine a few days ago was started by Roma to protest the release of murder suspects. Now the Court decided to still keep other suspect in this murder that occurred during a fight on November 27th of last year in custody.

  • Учасників масової бійки в Підвиноградові знову затримають: триває розслідування резонансної справи (ФОТО). In: Golos Karpat. 30.01.2024. https://goloskarpat.info/criminal/65b8c2e63a298/

Czech Republic and Murder

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In Brno, a young Roma was killed by a Ukrainian last summer following an altercation. While the thirty-eight-year-old Ukrainian Roman Rohozin, whom the public prosecutor accuses of murdering a young Roma at the Brno dam, has to wait until the beginning of March for the verdict, other participants in last year’s incident already know their punishments. Two men who attacked the Ukrainian together with the deceased young man were punished by the Brno city court for disorderly conduct.

Slovenian Mass Murder

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The first mass murder of Slovenian civilians by communist partisans took place on May 17, 1942, when they murdered 53 people in the Iška gorge, south of Ljubljana. The victims were mostly Slovenian Roma. The event has been thoroughly researched and historically documented, as the Government Commission on Covert Graves excavated the remains of the victims in 2017. The perpetrators were partisans of the 1st company of the Šercer battalion, who murdered 53 people that day, of which 49 were Roma and four were Slovenian. The only Romani woman who escaped the massacre in Iška was later murdered in Gornji Igo.

Slovakia: On the Murder

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An interview with the deputy and chairman of the Committee for Human Rights and National Minorities, Peter Pollák Jr. about the recent murder in Michalovce.

Some excerpts: I think that the local government failed when it did not use funds from European funds. Some mayors simply do not want money for Roma integration, because it is not a popular topic. I think that is also the case in Michaloviec.

One of the associated phenomena of poverty is also increased crime. If we manage to reduce poverty in these ghettos and settlements, I believe that the crime rate there would also decrease.

Slovakia: Manifestation Video

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Hundreds of Roma gathered on the square in Michalovce on Sunday afternoon to honor the memory of 46-year-old nurse Erika, who was murdered at the beginning of the year. The leader of the LSNS party, Marián Kotleba, accused the entire Roma community of the murder and called an anti-Roma rally in Michalovci. Roma booed him on Sunday.

Slovakia: Manifestations

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The Slovak town of Michalovce saw manifestations on Sunday following the brutal murder of a woman by a young Rom.  A commemoration for the victim was planned for the Sunday, and the extreme right politician Marian Kotleba had called his supporters to manifest there, prompting several hundred Roma to come and manifest their sympathy to the family of the victim.

​The gathering was peaceful until Marian Kotleba appeared on the podium. At that time, the Roma made it clear that they did not agree with his presence. Subsequently, they gradually began to leave the square. There have been no clashes.

Slovakia: Murder

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A week after the shockingly cruel and senseless murder of 46-year-old Erika, a large public gathering of people will take place in Michalovce. Everything indicates that there will be a clash between the extreme right Marián Kotleba’s followers and the Roma community. This can create an extremely conflicting situation in the city. The police are therefore on standby.
