Tag Archives: Police

Germany, the Police, and Roma

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Several articles criticising the police report on clan criminality from Lower Saxony as being racist and based against Sinti and Roma.

Lower Saxony, the Police, and Minorities

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At the end of June, the Ministry of the Interior and Justice in Hanover presented the “Clan Crime Situation Report 2022”. The Central Council of Sinti and Roma is now criticizing the police stigmatization of minorities and is calling for investigations into racist discrimination to be stopped.

Romani Rose, the chairman of the Central Council,  stated that the report is a “continuation of the racist and antiziganist recording”, which is being continued despite the painful history of this minority and despite the ban in the constitution.

Bulgaria: Police Action

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The Bulgarian police raised several mahala (Roma settlements) in Bulgaria in Plovdiv, Kazanlak, Gurkovo etc. They were searching for drugs, but also vote buying and other offences.

Racism in Hungary: “Get out of here, Gypsy!”

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A scandal broke out at a festival in Miskolc, Hungary.  Gyula Horváth, the president of a Roma organisation had all the permission to collect donations and distribute balloons at the festival. The city police, however, harassed him and told him to leave.

“They have been harassing me since the morning, since the Festival started. First they wanted to disturb me, then they threatened me, then they wanted to ring out the stand with a cordon. There were about ten people here, they checked my papers, but I have all the official permits,” Horváth told.

The president negotiated with the police for two hours. In the meantime, they took photos of him, and then the police sent the photos to the mayor.

Police Brutality in Košice

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The very long story of the police brutality against Roma in Košice which started in 2009 and saw Roma who had sued the police being brought to court is finally coming to an end. The European Court of Human Rights who had condemned Slovakia in the process awarded 20’000 EUR to each of the Roma.

At long last!

Serbia, Police, and Roma

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The European Roma Right Centre and the Vojvoðanski romski centar are taking legal action against the Serbian police for having invaded a Roma home and brutally attacked the Roma.

Let’s see what comes out of it…
