Tag Archives: Police

Slovenia, Roma, and the Police

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An attack by the “citizens of Kočevje on the police” made the news in Slovenia. When pursuing the underage drivers who did not want to surrender, they encountered a “group of people” who then tried to prevent the arrest by hitting, pushing and threatening the police.

Robert Tomazin, a “real” citizen of Kočevje, warned that this is grossly distorted reporting that does not say anything about the real attackers. He wrote on his Facebook profile that it is a distorted report that casts a bad light on the other citizens of Kočevje, while the real perpetrators were members of the Roma community.

Bad in every sense.

Slovakia, the Police, and Roma

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For the first time in the history of Slovakia, the court ruled that the police acted in a discriminatory manner during the intervention in the Roma settlement. It happened more than nine years ago in the village of Vrbnica near Michalovce. Fifteen Roma ended up in hospital after police intervention. T

he Ministry of the Interior appealed against the court’s verdict.

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The infamous police raid in Moldov nad Bodvou, where Roma were beaten by the police, and then condemned for defamation against the very same police, is coming to an end, more than 9 years after the facts. Slovakia was condemned by the European Court of Human Rights, and now has settled compensations for the victims of police violence.

But .. they did not acknowledge any wrongdoing. This is bad.

Norway and Roma Register

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Klaudia Wioletta, an academic, and not a whistleblower learned that the Norwegian police had created a register of Roma, a national minority in Norway, and had no choice but to subject it to public and legal scrutiny.

She first came across the Norwegian Roma “family tree” compiled by police officers during a meeting she was invited to on crime prevention activities in Oslo in the fall of 2023. The police officers wanted to expand their knowledge about Roma and invited her because in her research she dealt with issues related to Roma. She photographed the “family tree” and, suspecting that there was a register behind the graphics, accepted the invitation to another meeting with the policemen who presented it.

Her suspicions were right. During the next meeting, the officer showed her the log on his computer and explained how he created it. The register includes 14 people who have been charged in ongoing criminal cases, 74 are their close relatives and 567 other people. The register even includes Holocaust survivors, deceased persons, and Roma children.

Conference in Heidelberg

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Journalist Ingrid Müller-Münch will speak about “Deadly police violence against Sinti and Roma” between 1945 and 1980 on Thursday, March 21st, at 6 p.m. as part of the International Weeks Against Racism in the Documentation and Cultural Center of German Sinti and Roma in Heidelberg.

20 Years …

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Twenty years ago, Roma rioted in Trebišov, and the police intervened in the Roma settlement. The view of the article is very much tilted towards the police and maintaining order, and insists on the looting that took place in the eastern part of the country.

On the background of this riot, no words … A missed opportunity.

Czechia, Roma, and the Police

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David Drevňák, a thirty-two-year-old Rom, received the Award of the Jihlava City Council for his many years of work with Roma youth and cultural contribution. He works as a crime prevention assistant with the city police. “There are situations that the constable can handle, but another conflict may arise. We, Roma assistants, say it in our own way with people with our Roma mentality,” says Drevňák.

Bulgaria, Police, and Roma

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The project “Improving coordination and dialogue between the police and the Roma community”, financed under the “Internal Works” Program of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism,  is equipping and renovating police reception centres  in Roma neighborhoods in Varna.

They are part of a total of 20 reception centres in Roma neighborhoods in oBulgaria – in Sofia, Burgas, Varna, Pazardzhik, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora, Vidin, Montana, Sliven and Yambol. The renovated reception areas will create better working conditions for police officers and be a point of contact for local communities when problems arise.

Hungary, Roma, and the Police

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Hungary is increasing the stipends of Roma students studying for becoming policemen. That many Roma want to be members of the Hungarian police can be doubted, and anyhow, the stipends are ridiculous. Around 10’000 HUF for an average grade student. Per month. This amounts to 25 euros per months. And with the current inflation …

Bulgaria: Fights

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A fight between two Roma families was allegedly prevented by the intervention of the police forces. The attack was supposed to take place in the “Kaltinets” district of Gorno-Oryahov, the press center of the Regional Directorate of the Police in Veliko Tarnovo announced.

Slovenia and Roma

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Another case of the Roma “problem” in Slovenia. In this case, the difficult cohabitation of Roma and locals in the town of Šentjernej. The people there apparently no longer feel safe in their municipality, the situation is getting worse, and their trust in state authorities to improve things is decreasing. Apparently, insecurity is indeed increasing.

Slovakia, the Police, and Roma

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When a Rom complains about police’s actions, the truth is difficult to uncover. In Slovakia, the police need not fear any punishment, according to Amnesty International director Rado Sloboda.

He went to a regular work dinner but ended up in handcuffs at the police station. He claims that they pressed his head against a table, beat him and kicked him. Roma activist Zoltán Sztojka draws attention to an incident at the regional police department in Trnávka, Bratislava, where, according to his own words, he was beaten. He talks about slaps, kicks and racist insults.

Germany and Roma

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Not a good thing: In Chemnitz, two Roma families are making headlines for noise, insults, garbage, and in addition they are suspected of shoplifting. Whether true or not, the mere fact that such articles pop up is bad.

Greece: Again!

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A third young Rom was killed by the police in Athens after a police chase. According to the police, the gun went off when the young Rom tried to grab a pistol from the police.

He is the third young Roma killed by the police in Greece in as many years.

The Czech Floyd

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Stanislav Tomáš, who died two years ago in the summer after an intervention by the police, has a new tombstone at the Teplice cemetery. The police was exonerated, a conclusion that many did not accept. On his tomb, there is simply the word “Pativ”, here standing for respect.

Ukraine and Roma

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Unfortunately, another one of those (on both sides). Roma were arrested in Kharkiv region in Ukraine for having swindled pensioneers. They were arrested and will be tried.

The issue as usual is that this is depicted as an ethnic trait.


Berlin, the Police, and Roma

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A lecture by a federal police officer at the federal government’s open day in Berlin last weekend sparked sharp criticism from the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma and the religious policy spokesman for the Green parliamentary group, Volker Beck.

According to the Central Council and Beck, the representative of the Berlin Directorate of the Federal Police gave a public lecture in the Federal Ministry of the Interior entitled “Beware of thieves! How pickpockets use tricks and how you can successfully ruin their criminal journey.” In it, Roma are said to have been generally referred to as “large criminal families” organized into “criminal clans” that move through Europe. Other ethnic groups were also racially discriminated against: each ethnic group, North African or Polish, had “its own criminal methods”.
