Tag Archives: Riots

Slovenia: Paranoia

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During a municipal holiday in a town in Slovenia, visitors were faced with a list of items that they could not bring with them. These included even umbrellas. Apparently, the authorities were concerned that Roma could start a riot …

Leeds: The Children are Back

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The children whose removal prompted the start of the riots are back with their family. The whole story is a bit more complex than at first sight: The children were placed with relatives several months ago, following an unexplained skull fracture of the youngest baby in the family. They cannot be with their parents until the toddler’s case has been judged and resolved, hence their placement with relatives.

Leeds and the Cause of the Riots

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Two more articles on the root cause of the riots in Leeds: The removal of children from a Roma family while the parents were not there.

Leeds Riots: Review of the Root cause

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Well, some papers are saying that maybe one should review why social services were trying to remove all children from a family while the parents were away …

Leeds Riots: The Tabloid Views

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Needless to say, now that the rioters were Roma, tabloids are in full swing.

Riots in Leeds

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There has been a large riot in Leeds, UK, with police cars overturned, a bus set afire, and reports of looting and other property damages.

Why did they occur: Apparently, a family with 5 children had a toddler admitted in hospital with head injuries. Social Services decided immediately to take over all 5 children while the parents were away working. This resulted in a clash, with police intervention, and the whole situation escalated rapidly.

There is so far no official statement on this, and the protagonists are reported to be of Romanian origins. Romanians on social media of course said these were Roma, which is probable.

Really bad.

Poland, Roma, and a Riot

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The Polish press widely reported the riot in a Roma neighbourhood near Limanowo, where Roma attacked firefighters who came to extinguish a fire.

The Roma Association of Poland criticised the reporting, saying that too much was centred on purported Roma “traits” and too many stereotypes were presented in the reporting. They are right.

Slovakia: 20 Years

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Another article about the Roma riots 20 years ago in Eastern Slovakia. The police and the army intervened in the Roma settlement of Trebišov, Eastern Slovakia.

The riots were the result of utter poverty and exclusion.

20 Years …

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Twenty years ago, Roma rioted in Trebišov, and the police intervened in the Roma settlement. The view of the article is very much tilted towards the police and maintaining order, and insists on the looting that took place in the eastern part of the country.

On the background of this riot, no words … A missed opportunity.

Ukraine and a Murder

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A riot in Transcarpathian Ukraine a few days ago was started by Roma to protest the release of murder suspects. Now the Court decided to still keep other suspect in this murder that occurred during a fight on November 27th of last year in custody.

  • Учасників масової бійки в Підвиноградові знову затримають: триває розслідування резонансної справи (ФОТО). In: Golos Karpat. 30.01.2024. https://goloskarpat.info/criminal/65b8c2e63a298/

Ukraine: Riots

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Several article in the Ukrainian press about Roma rioting in Transcarpathia Ukraine following the release of two murder suspects from custody. The murder occurred during elections of Roma representatives.

Greece: Riots

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Greek Roma rioted in Greece after a young Roma was killed by the police. He was the third one in as many years.

Bulgaria: Garmen again

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Bulgaria: Garmen again

Residents of Garmen, Bulgaria renewed their protests at “illegal” Rroma houses. Last time this occurred, this resulted in a several manifestations, assaults, and in a plethora of racist articles and statements.

This needs to be followed.

Racial Unrest in Bulgaria

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Three policemen were injured in Bulgaria when they intervened to disperse an anti Rroma riot that was sparked by an incident two days ago where four Rroma men were charged with attempted murder on three non Rroma Bulgarians.

Bad …
