Tag Archives: Romanes


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Bronisława Wajs (Papusza) is one of the best know Romani poets. She owes part of the fame to Jerzy Ficowski, a Polish poet and ethnographer who published her poetry. In the article here,  Emilia Kledzik, a professor in the university of Poznan, claims that the poetry were largely constructed by Jerzy Ficowski.

She even uses the word “forgeries”.

Bulgaria, Roma, and Google

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Two articles in the Bulgarian media about the introduction of Romanes in Google translate. “I’m looking for a job” or “Rodav buti” – so everyone with Romani language can now help themselves with Google translator.

“This is a recognition, a sense of self-confidence for the Roma, that their language is important, that the language is part of the culture, part of the worldview, and that they are on equal footing with other peoples,” says Ognyan Isaev from the “Trust for a Social Alternative” foundation.

Google Translate in Bulgaria

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Two articles about Google Translate introducing Romanes.

Google Translate Romanes

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Nice to see that google translate allows for translations in Romanes. It definitively has a bias towards Vlach Romanes, which is not the most common Romanes, but this is a good start! The choices of words on World, to think, and a few others show this bias, but on the other hand, they still use the old Romanes for “life”, which is not Vlach.

Wonder how this was compiled…

Google and Romanes

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Romanes is finally in Google Translate: The biggest language expansion in history! Google added 110 new languages.

Roma Vakeren

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The third episode of the series ‘Roma Vakeren” speaks about the creation of the Roma and Sinti Holocaust Memorial in Lety u Písek. Other topics include the worship of Black Sarah and the three Marys during the “Gypsy pilgrimage” in the south of France as well as the 20th editions of the World Roma Festival Khamoro.

Montenegro and Romanes

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The Montenegrin Ministry of Justice made an open call for finding a translator for Romanes. Applicants can send their CVs within the next 20 days.

Romanes in Montenegro

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A new Roma glossary by Dr. Vesna Delić was published by the Public Institution Centre for the Preservation and Development of the Culture of Minorities of Montenegro. As far as is known, it is a unique publication that allows the interested public to get to know and get more information about Roma.

Czechia: Competition

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The Romano suno / Roma Dream competition, which has been organized by the Nová škola organization since 1996, makes it possible to compete in the knowledge of Romanes in written and spoken speech. For this year, the judges have chosen topics to think about – they are interested, for example, in what children and adults think about what happens after death or about the cohabitation of same-sex couples. The topics were announced on February 1, and contestants can send their works to the New School until the end of June.

Roma Vakeren

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Roma program about the forgotten story of Antonia Single, an extraordinary Roma flamenco dancer,

Photographer Antoine Le Roux on nomads and on the RomanoNet organization has been coordinating the cooperation of non-profit organizations engaged in work with the Roma minority.


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Every weekday in the morning slot from 10.05am on TV1 and replays at 4.10pm on TV2, Paleta brings pictures and words from life, stories about ordinary people, reports on events and processes important for the preservation of cultural, linguistic and ethnic diversity in Vojvodina. Reports, life stories, information, documentary shows, events, problems and solutions…

One of the broadcasting languages is Romanes.

Slovakia: Interview

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An interview with Erika Godlová. She has been mapping the culture of Roma in Slovakia since 2013, and before that she wrote for the newspaper Romano ľil and interpreted in Roma settlements and is the founder of the Roma memory fund. She says: “It fascinates me that the Roma can communicate with each other as a separate group, even though they have been scattered around the world for centuries.”

First Grammar?

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An article in the Croatian Press about an author who apparently wrote the “first world grammar of the Romani language”.

Well, the journalists are really clueless…

Serbia and Romanes

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On the occasion of the celebration of International Mother Language Day, the Romanipen Educational and Cultural Community from Kragujevac organized a public forum “Roma language – a beacon of preservation of Roma cultural identity” as part of the project “Spin the wheel of Roma culture”.

Czechia, Romanes, and Integration

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Around 250,000 Roma live in the Czech Republic, but not all of them speak Romanes. A large number of families do not speak Romanes with their preschool children, believing that this will make it easier for them to start school.

The main goal of the Roma Council is to support the strengthening of the identity and position of the Roma in the Pilsen region and to create tools for their effective integration.

Czechia: Romanes and Schools

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What do Romanes speakers encounter when their children enter education? Are kindergartens and schools ready to work with foreign language children? The issue is currently being invstigated by research carried out by the Romanes Studies Seminar of the Faculty of, supported by the program for the implementation of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.
