Tag Archives: Romani Rose

Slovakia, the Police, and Roma

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A follow up on the beatings by the police of Roma residents from the Slovak town of Zborov. On April 16th, the police beat up children, pregnant women, and finally threatened residents in case a video of the incident would be released (which happened).
Shame that the police can do this, double shame that they have not yet been prosecuted.

– https://youtu.be/OrCwfhc9leo
– Slovakia: Romani residents of Zborov tell Romea.cz that police beat children, pregnant women, threatened retribution if video released. In: Romea.cz. 12.06.2017. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/world/slovakia-romani-residents-of-zborov-tell-romea-cz-that-police-beat-children-pregnant-women-threatened-retribution-if-video [link-preview url=”https://youtu.be/OrCwfhc9leo “]

Romani Rose – Presentation of the Book

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The book on Romani Rose, president of the German Council of Sinti and Roma is being presented in Heidelberg.

– Das Leben des Heidelberger Menschenrechtlers Romani Rose. In: Rhein Neckar Zeitung. 05.04.2017. http://www.rnz.de/nachrichten/heidelberg_artikel,-Heidelberg-Biografie-vorgestellt-Das-Leben-des-Heidelberger-Menschenrechtlers-Romani-Rose-_arid,266323.html [link-preview url=”http://www.rnz.de/nachrichten/heidelberg_artikel,-Heidelberg-Biografie-vorgestellt-Das-Leben-des-Heidelberger-Menschenrechtlers-Romani-Rose-_arid,266323.html”]

Bibliography of Romani Rose

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A bibliography of Romani Rose, chairman of the Central Council of Sinti and Roma in Germany has just been published.

– https://www.facebook.com/Behar-Heinemann-Romani-Rose-ein-Leben-für-die-Menschenrechte-220504378360182/ [link-preview url=”https://www.facebook.com/Behar-Heinemann-Romani-Rose-ein-Leben-für-die-Menschenrechte-220504378360182/”]

Germany: Romani Rose on Multicultural Society

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A nice commentary from Romany Rose, the chairman of the German Council of Sinti and Roma, on racism, on multicultural society, and on tolerance.

– Gastkommentar von Romani Rose: Vielfältiges Europa verteidigen. In: Mindener Tagblatt. 31.10.2016. http://www.mt.de/lokales/minden/20963451_Gastkommentar-von-Romani-Rose-Vielfaeltiges-Europaverteidigen.html [link-preview url=”http://www.mt.de/lokales/minden/20963451_Gastkommentar-von-Romani-Rose-Vielfaeltiges-Europaverteidigen.html”]

Czech Republic: Demands for Investigation

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Several members of the Czech Council of Roma Minority affairs are demanding in an open letter that the suspicious death of a young Rrom in Žatec be investigated. The boy died on October 18th after having been apparently beaten up by the workers at a restaurant as well as by several patrons there and finally by the police.

– Civil society members of Czech Govt Roma Council demand thorough investigation of Romani man’s death as soon as possible. In: Romea.cz. 23.10.2016. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/civil-society-members-of-czech-govt-roma-council-demand-thorough-investigation-of-romani-man-s-death-as-soon-as-possible#.WAzWHk2X5Lo.facebook
– Členové romské rady žádají důsledné prošetření smrti Roma v Žatci v co nejkratším čase. In: Romea.cz. 23.10.2016. http://www.romea.cz/cz/zpravodajstvi/domaci/clenove-romske-rady-zadaji-dusledne-prosetreni-smrti-roma-v-zatci-v-co-nejkratsim-case [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/civil-society-members-of-czech-govt-roma-council-demand-thorough-investigation-of-romani-man-s-death-as-soon-as-possible#.WAzWHk2X5Lo.facebook”]

Romani Rose: Thanks!

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Romani Rose thanked Angela Merkel for her policy on refugees and greeted the creation of a new institute for Roma art and culture in Berlin.- Romani Rose bedankt sich bei Kanzlerin Merkel begrüßt Einrichtung eines Roma Instituts. In: Berliner Zeitung. 27.09.2016. http://www.berliner-zeitung.de/politik/romani-rose-bedankt-sich-bei-kanzlerin-merkel-begruesst-einrichtung-eines-roma-instituts-24815368?dmcid=sm_fb [link-preview url=”http://www.berliner-zeitung.de/politik/romani-rose-bedankt-sich-bei-kanzlerin-merkel-begruesst-einrichtung-eines-roma-instituts-24815368?dmcid=sm_fb”]

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel officially recognised and honoured Romani Rose’s life work for Sinti and Rroma. Born in 1946, he relentlessly fought for the recognition and the rights of Sinti and Rroma.
Well Done!

– Anerkennung von Sinti und Roma: Romani Rose für Lebensleistung geehrt. In: Rhein Neckar Zeitung. 29.08.2016. http://www.rnz.de/politik/hintergrund_artikel,-Anerkennung-von-Sinti-und-Roma-Romani-Rose-fuer-Lebensleistung-geehrt-_arid,224701.html
– Ausgegrenzt: Roma und Sinti. In: WAZ. 28.09.2016. http://www.derwesten.de/staedte/gladbeck/ausgegrenzt-roma-und-sinti-aimp-id12233531.html [link-preview url=”http://www.rnz.de/politik/hintergrund_artikel,-Anerkennung-von-Sinti-und-Roma-Romani-Rose-fuer-Lebensleistung-geehrt-_arid,224701.html”]

Romani Rose: Scheuer is Racist

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The president of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, Romani Rose, accused Andreas Scheuer, the general Secretary of the CSU in Germany of racism. Scheuer has proposed to give preference to give preference to Christian refugees and migrants.
Romani Rose rightly accuses him of playing with “racist resentment” which is extremely dangerous.

– Zentralrat der Sinti und Roma wirft Scheuer Rassismus vor. In: Focus. 26.09.2016. http://www.focus.de/regional/bayern/parteien-zentralrat-der-sinti-und-roma-wirft-scheuer-rassismus-vor_id_5990827.html
– Zentralrat der Sinti und Roma wirft Scheuer Rassismus vor. In: Schwäbische. 26.09.2016. http://www.schwaebische.de/region/bayern_artikel,-Zentralrat-der-Sinti-und-Roma-wirft-Scheuer-Rassismus-vor-_arid,10534114.html [link-preview url=”http://www.focus.de/regional/bayern/parteien-zentralrat-der-sinti-und-roma-wirft-scheuer-rassismus-vor_id_5990827.html

Romania: Several People Fired for Theft

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Romania: Several People Fired for Theft

Several leading civil servants, among which the head of the Tax authority, were fired in Romania for having stolen funds from the EU development aid. According to prosecutors “two Romanian lawmakers and eight other persons had allegedly defrauded two projects worth a total 27.25 million lei ($6.91 million) aimed at supporting the underprivileged Roma minority.”

And one wonders why nothing changes …

Romani Rose receives the Jochen Bock Price

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Romani Rose receives the Jochen Bock Price

Romani Rose, the president of the German Council of Sinti and Roma was awarded the Jochen Bock Price for 2015. This distinction is meant to recognise courage in the civil society.

Well Done!

Our Values are Threatened

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Our Values are Threatened

Romani Rose, the president of the German Council of Sinti and Roma says in an interview that the values to which we have arrived at on the Holocaust, the persecution of minorities etc. are under threat.

Safe Countries: Critique from Council of Sinti and Roma

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Safe Countries: Critique from Council of Sinti and Roma

The central council of German Sinti and Roma and his president, Romani Rose sharply criticised the concept of safe countries especially in the Balkan and for Rroma.


German Schoolchildren in Auschwitz

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German Schoolchildren in Auschwitz

A visit together with Romani Rose, president of the German Council of Sinti and Roma, in Auschwitz. One thing can be said: In Germany, they deal with the past. Some other countries should follow.

Interview with Romani Rose

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Interview with Romani Rose

Another interview with Romani Rose, president of the German central council of Sinti and Roma in the context of the celebrations of the 2nd of August on the Rroma and Sinti Holocaust.

25.01.2015 Murder of Rroma and Sinti: Did we learn anything?

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Romani Rose, president of the Zentralrat der deutschen Sinti und Roma ponders about the aftermath and the collective conscience on the murder of Rroma and Sinti during the Holocaust. The fact that besides Jews, Rroma were singled out for racial reasons and murdered during the Holcaust is still not widely acknowledged or known. More work and more information is still required on this topic.

05.12.2014 Prosecutor of Paris: criminal court not competent to judge Manuel Valls

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Libération (2014) reports on a recent decision of the Paris prosecutor. The investigation covers statements by Prime Minister Manuel Valls, in which he claimed that Rroma had the inclination to stay in Romania or to return there, and they had a very different lifestyle than the French, which was inevitably in confrontation with the French one. The Paris prosecutor’s office now judged on December the second that the criminal court was not competent to judge the statements made by Manuel Valls. The criminal chamber will pronounce its verdict in this regard on December the 19th. However, the plaintiff against Valls, the organisation “La Voix des Roms”, wants that his statements are not judged independently of his function as the then Interior Minister, but are recognised as demagoguery: “For the lawyer of Manuel Valls, Mr. Georges Holleaux, the statements of his client are adjacent to “his ministerial competence”. In his view, the facts thus reverse the Court of Justice of the Republic (CJR), the only institution empowered to judge members of the government, for deeds which they have committed in the function of their office. Moreover, he pointed out that that Mrap (Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l’amitié entre les peuples) had filed a lawsuit against Manuel Valls at the the Court of Justice of the Republic in September 2013, which was dropped it without further consequences.” Manuel Valls is not an isolated case with his racist remarks against the Rroma. In recent years, numerous French mayors and politicians have gained public attention with racist remarks about Rroma. Some were sentenced to mild fines, others were completely acquitted, referring to the freedom of expression. In the French public, Rroma are equated with 15,000 to 20,000 Rroma who live in illegal settlements. The 100,000 to 500,000 Rroma who are integrated in France since generations, are continuously ignored. The Rroma are also repeatedly exploited by various parties for political purposes and blamed for social ills that have their origins in society as a whole, and not in a single minority. Unfortunately, this scapegoat policy finds approval among a shocking number of people (compare L’Yonne Républicaine 2014).

21.11.2014 German Federal Supreme Court asked to take a stance on its hostile judgments on Rroma

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Romani Rose, chairman of the central council of German Sinti and Rroma, has demanded the German Federal Supreme Court in a statement on the 4th Roseburg-symposium to take a stance on its jurisdiction against Rroma under National Socialism and in the post-war period. In 1956, the Federal Supreme Court (BGH) had largely rejected the claims of Holocaust survivors for compensation, on the grounds that there had been earlier official measures against Rroma: “In January of 1956, the Federal Supreme Court had largely denied compensation to “gypsies” who were persecuted by the Nazis. The exclusion and resettlement policy of the Nazis until 1943 was denied to have been motivated by their racial fanaticism, but was said to be part of the “usual police preventive measures”. The judges of the Federal Supreme Court justified their verdict with the suggestion that due to the nature of the people, there had always been measures against the “Gypsy plague”. Without any relativization it says: “They tend, as experience shows, towards crime, particularly thefts and frauds, they often lack the moral drives to respect the property of others, because they appertain like primitive men an unrestrained occupation instinct.” It was not until 1963 that at the Federal Supreme Court recognised that Rroma were persecuted in Nazi Germany before 1943. However, the racist police considerations, which allege a collective predisposition to crime for Rroma, were still recognised. Rose therefore demanded an official dissociation of the Federal Supreme Court from its past verdicts, as he stated at the symposium: ““Then, the Supreme Court adopted the justification strategy of the Nazis and their demagogic agitation”, criticized Rose. Until today, there has been no dissociation on part of the Federal Supreme Court. “We would appreciate it very much if such a statement – in whatever form – would be possible today.”” – In Auschwitz-Birkenau alone, 30,000 Rroma were murdered. Researchers estimate at least half a million casualties among the Rroma (Rath 2014).

19.11.2014 Stereotypes: criminal Rroma clans

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Guggisberg (2014) reports on criminal Rroma clans that allegedly force children into crime. Parents surrender their children to an omnipotent clan chief – to whom they are indebted – for begging and theft and some even end up in prostitution. Guggisberg uncritically reproduces the perspective of the “Wiener Drehscheibe”, a social service for begging and stealing children who have been arrested by the police. Guggisberg does not question that the social educator Norbert Ceipek – the head of the institution – who identifies each begging or stealing child as a victim of human trafficking, could himself be subject to prejudices and be providing misinformation on Rroma: “Ceipek opens another photo file. It shows a Roma village in Romania, which he recently visited. He tells of houses, cobbled together from planks and plastic sheeting, and dirt roads full of garbage. In the middle is a magnificent villa.It belongs to the clan chief. He rules the villages as a state within a state”, says Ceipek […]. Many of the children dealt with in Vienna belong to the Roma. […] “The phenomenon of Eastern European gangs of beggars is not new. But since a couple of months, it taken new proportions”, says Ceipek. Very active are the Bosnian gangs, he states. Every few weeks, they would bring the children to different European cities, according to a rotating system. The social worker explains that his aim was to provide a perspective to the children, a little education. They might get on better path.”” Alexander Ott, head of the Foreign Police Bern, who has already been quoted repeatedly in articles about criminal Rroma gangs and trafficking of children, has his say. He reproduces the usual prejudices about hierarchical Rroma clans with a clan chief who leads children into crime: “The network of child traffickers reaches from Eastern Europe to Switzerland. “The victims are recruited in Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Often they come from large Roma families, are purchased or borrowed”, says Ott. One sends the boys to steal, urges them into prostitution, or forces them to beg. The instigators know well that the Swiss justice system cannot prosecute the perpetrators because of their young age. Adolescent burglars are booming in the autumn and winter months. Ott emphasises that they have to deal with highly professional, specialised and hierarchically-run clans, who practice their craft since generations.” Rroma are not more criminal than other ethnic groups. They are not hierarchically organised, as is often claimed, but structured largely egalitarian. So-called “Rroma kings” are self-elected and have purely representative character. Guggisberg and experts’ claim that behind begging children there is inevitably trafficking and organized crime, is wrong.

The characteristics of transnational operating trafficker networks, as presented here, are questioned by social science research. Their existence itself is not denied, something that cannot be in the interest of combating injustice. But their manifestation, their number, their omnipotence and the motivations attributed to them have to be questioned. These are often tainted by ideological fallacies, brought into connection or even equated with ethnic groups such as Rroma. Furthermore, the equation of child migration and trafficking has to be set into context. The stereotype of Rroma as child traffickers dates back to their arrival in Western Europe, and is in part based on the racist notion that Rroma did actively recruit children for criminal gangs. Regarding the topic of child migration, social science studies convey a more complex notion on the subject and point out that crimes such as incitement to beg and steal or alleged child trafficking are often permeated by various morals in the analysis and assessment by authorities, who don’t appropriately consider the perspective and motivations of migrating children and their relatives, and instead force on them their own ideas and definitions on organised begging, criminal networks or child trafficking. Structural differences of the societies involved and resulting reasons for a migration are given too little consideration. In reality, behind begging children there are often simply impoverished families, in which the children contribute to the family income and who therefore do not correspond to bourgeois notions of a normal family and childhood. De facto child trafficking is rare according to the sociological studies. Furthermore, the incomes from begging are very modest, which makes them unattractive for organised crime.  Guggisberg, who states that 200’000 children are recruited annually by the trafficking mafia, contradicts this. 

At the end of the article, Guggisberg quotes another expert opinion by Norbert Ceipek, the director of the “Wiener Drehschreibe”: At 15, many of them would get married and have children themselves, so that the cycle of crime continues. Likewise, Guggisberg reproduces this racist prejudice uncritically. The majority of Rroma, who live integrated, go to work and send their children to school, remain unmentioned (compare Cree/Clapton/Smith 2012, O’Connell Davidson 2011, Oude Breuil 2008, Tabin et al 2012).

  • Cree, Viviene E./Clapton, Gary/Smith, Mark (2012) The Presentation of Child Trafficking in the UK: An Old and New Moral Panic? In: Br J Soc Work 44(2): 418-433.
  • Guggisberg, Rahel (2014) Das Schicksal der Roma-Kinder von Wien. In: Tages-Anzeiger online vom 14.11.2014. http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/leben/gesellschaft/Das-Schicksal-der-RomaKinder-von-Wien/story/14626308
  • O’Connell Davidson, Julia (2011) Moving children? Child trafficking, child migration, and child rights. In: Critical Social Policy 31(3):454-477.
  • Oude Breuil, Brenda Carina (2008) Precious children in a heartless world? The complexities of child trafficking in Marseille. In: Child Soc 22(3):223-234.
  • Tabin, Jean Pierre et al. (2012) Rapport sur la mendicité « rrom » avec ou sans enfant(s). Université de Lausanne.