Tag Archives: Schools

Czech Segregation

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The segregation of Roma children in the Czech education continues. It is hard to imagine another area that would be so neglected and so long-term overlooked in Czech politics as this one.

Already in 2007, the European Court of Human Rights condemned the Czech Republic due to unequal access to the education of Romani men and women. But not much has changed over the next fifteen years. Segregated education continues to be a harsh reality for children from the Roma minority.

Uzhhorod Roma School

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The Czechoslovak president Masaryk contributed to the establishment of a should for Roma in what is now Transcarpathian Ukraine and before was the Ruthenian region of Czechoslovakia. The school was opened as an experiment to try to integrate Roma in the regular school system and Roma contributed to its creation. It was also a de-facto segregated school…

Czech Republic and Roma Education

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In 2007, the European Court of Human Rights, in a ground-breaking decision, condemned the Czech Republic for discriminating against Roma pupils in their access to education.

However, the Czech Republic continues to discriminate against Roma children in education in spite of this condemnation. Recent statistics show that 15% of Roma children are educated outside of the regular school system (i.e. special schools) whereas for the majority population, this is the case only for 3% of the children.

So there are still special schools in addition to at least 130 segregated ones.

Slovakia, Schools, and Racism

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The case of a teacher in a high school in Seneca, Slovakia, who has been making racist statements, especially against Roma. He also ranted against homosexuals and made facist statemens. Students are protesting now.

Czechia: Romanes and Schools

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What do Romanes speakers encounter when their children enter education? Are kindergartens and schools ready to work with foreign language children? The issue is currently being invstigated by research carried out by the Romanes Studies Seminar of the Faculty of, supported by the program for the implementation of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.

Czech Republic: Romani Teacher

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An interview with an assistant teacher, Anna Farkašová, who has Romane roots and teaches and help children from ghettoes.

Croatia and Segregation

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After a two-month summer break in the Croatian Parliament, the fall session began today with a “topical morning” during which MPs will ask questions to Prime Minister Andrej Plenković and members of the Government. The session began violently, with the distribution of warnings due to objections by deputies to the order in which questions were asked.

Veljko Kajtazi, deputy from the Roma minority, asked why there is segregation of Roma children in Croatia, who are separated into special classes, and the Minister of Education Radovan Fuhs says that there are “pure Roma classes”, mostly in Međimurje County.

Ukraine Refugees in the Czech Republic

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It is not good, as one third of them have experienced discrimination, and children are not enrolled in school.

A shame.

Croatia and Roma

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In the last five years, the number of Roma students has increased three times. These data come from the Croatian Government Office for Human Rights and National Minorities, according to which more and more Roma children remain in the school system. They graduate from university, become lawyers, but often do not find work due to racism.

Roma and Germany – A Story

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Radoslav Ganev came to Germany with his mother at the age of 9. They are Roma. But nobody should know it and it stayed that way for a long time. As a native Bulgarian and naturalized German, Radoslav Ganev finishes his high school diploma in Trier, studied political science in Bamberg and now works in the social sector in Munich. At the age of thirty, he decided to no longer hide his ethnic origins.

Hungary, Roma, and Education

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Hungary, Roma, and Education

The situation of Roma students in Hungarian schools is critical: segregation is not decreasing, and only half a percent of them go to university. The Romaversitas foundation helps them progress from the 9th grade all the way to graduation. But fewer and fewer people apply to them. They try to equip their students with an activist approach and “talk them out” so that an intellectual Roma stratum with a strong ability to assert their interests can be formed.

Bulgaria, Schools, and Roma

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Bulgaria, Schools, and Roma

According to e recent study presented at a conference  on the “State of Roma educational integration: from segregation to education in an ethnically mixed environment”, organized by the “Amalipe” center (link is external) on July 4 and 5 in Sofia, almost 1/2 of the schools in our country have a majority of children from vulnerable groups (so Roma and other minorities).

This amounts more and more to a form of segregation.

Slovakia and Help to Poor Families

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Slovakia and Help to Poor Families

The package of laws passed by the finance minister Igor Matovič is not good for poor families. The allowance for first-year students will be abolished, the poorest will only receive a small tax bonus, and the state will take half of the allowances for children whose parents do not send them to school – although the parents no longer receive the money, but the municipality. This last measure clearly aimed at Roma.


Not Sure …

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Not Sure …

A survey conducted by Laura Kovač, a student at the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Slovenia, as part of her master’s thesis, showed that Roma students in Prekmurje and Dolenjska feel comfortable in primary school. Discrimination and stereotypes are still present, but Roma students mostly describe school relations as good.

Somewhat doubtful…

Slovakia, Schools, and Roma

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Slovakia, Schools, and Roma

Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová returned a proposed law to the parliament. The law is on financing the child’s leisure time, in which deputies propose, among other things, that child allowances be reduced depending on the pupil’s regular participation in school. This provision was included in the bill after the extreme right from the ĽSNS requested the Minister of Finance Igor Matovič. According to Marian Kotleb, the reduction of allowances was one of four changes that they “pushed” into the law. Probably in such an alliance, although not surprising to me, it should be noted that this is a measure aimed mainly at Roma children.

It will do nothing to further school attendance.

Bulgaria and Roma

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Bulgaria and Roma

In Pleven, Bulgaria, Roma children will be included in sports clubs in football, tennis and basketball. The idea is to “socialise” children and students from ethnic minorities through sports, explained Ivaylo Lazarov, director of the Student Sports School (USS) in Pleven, which won funding for its project “To play sports together, albeit different”.

What this also implicitly says: Up till now, Roma children were not included … That says a lot.

Roma in Hungary

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Roma in Hungary

A reportage in Nyiregyhaza, in Eastern Hungary, in a day care centre in a Roma settlement. What the reportage omits to say here, is that these schools and day-care centres are de-facto segregated, as no non-Roma ever goes there. De facto, this perpetuates the segregation.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Almost no news on Roma in France this week: A town in Northern France is working hard to enrol young Roma in schools; a Romni telling stories to children in Nantes; and the removal of garbage in the vicinity of a Roma squat in Marseilles.
