Tag Archives: Travellers

Poland: Exhibition

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The District Museum in Nowy Sącz, Poland, is presenting an exhibition consisting of exhibits collected by Paweł Lechowski, an ethnographer who has been continuously interested in Roma culture since the 1960s. Thanks to his collection showcases the life of travelling Roma for those who know travels only from the stories of the older generation.

Camping Sites in Switzerland

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Nothing new here: There are not enough camping sites for Travellers in Switzerland. They talk about it but do nothing. Apparently, the state is now wanting to put some money aside for this purpose. This will take another 20 years, as usual in Switzerland.

Poland: The end of Travels

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A book about the interdiction of travels for Roma in Poland. On May 24, 1952, the Polish government’s presidium adopted a resolution “On assistance for the Gypsy population in transitioning to a settled lifestyle”. This had more to do with the fact that Roma were not conforming to the socialist norm rather than anything else.

The book and article are wrong in that they say that “Most of the Gypsy tribes living in Poland had wandering in their tradition and eternal way of life”. First, these are not tribes, and second, most of these Roma had houses, especially among Xaladytka Roma, and were travelling during the summer to sell horses.

Switzerland and Travellers

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There are still too few camping sites for travellers in the canton of Zurich. This as been the case for ever, and I seems that now, the government plans to find two new sites. One of them should come to the Limmattal, the second in the Zurich Oberland.

Come back in 10 years – chances are, they won’t be there.

Switzerland and Camping Sites

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Another article on the fight of travellers in Switzerland to get camping sites, this time in Thal, Canton St. Gallen. The commune voted against the required zoning changes to allow for sur a site to be constructed.

One needs to say also that there are  camping sites and that by and large, foreign Roma are parked in so-called “transit sites”.

Switzerland and Travellers

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The canton of Bern is giving itself three years to better regulate the movement of travellers. It wants to avoid tensions arising with the authorities of the municipalities as soon as caravans of Roma, Sinti (Manouches) or Yéniches arrive in places a priori not intended to accommodate them or when these places have not been cleaned in time afterwards. the departure of the caravans. Experiences and reactions may vary from one municipality to another, from one procession to the next.

Well, this situation has been lasting for many years, and so far, nothing has been done at all.

UK, Roma, and Education

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UK, Roma, and Education

No surprise, Travellers and Roma face hurdles in higher education.


Appleby Horse Fair

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Appleby Horse Fair


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UK and Travellers

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The fact that some travellers want to settle near a landmark in Yorkshire doesn’t bring the best in the UK press. Stereotypes galore.

