Tag Archives: War

Transcarpathian Ukraine: Raids

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Transcarpathian Ukraine: Raids

News on the Hungarian TV about the current raids on Roma settlements in Transcarpathian Ukraine. According to the news, “even the sick and half-blind are being dragged to the front, and companies do not have enough workers to carry out their tasks”.


Az ukrán területvédelmi erők toborzóparancsnok helyettese szerint Ukrajnának militarista polgári országgá kellene válnia

Ukrajna mindeközben egyre nagyobb bajban van. Már a betegeket és a félvak embereket is elhurcolják a frontra, a vállalatoknál pedig nincs elég munkaerő a feladatok ellátásához. Egyre kegyetlenebb kényszersorozás zajlik az országban. Az ukrán területvédelmi erők toborzóparancsnok-helyettese azt mondta, hogy a háború után megfosztják az alapvető állampolgári jogoktól azokat, akik nem szolgáltak a hadseregben és felelős állást sem tölthetnek be.

Posted by M1 on Wednesday 29 January 2025

UNESCO and Ukraine

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UNESCO and Ukraine

The UNESCO has granted “temporary enhanced protection” to two significant cultural sites in Ukraine: the Literary Museum in Odessa and the Babyn Yar Memorial in Kiev. The move comes as the third anniversary of the Russian war in Ukraine approaches, which caused extensive damage to Ukrainian cultural heritage.

Babyn Yar commemorates the victims of the Nazi massacre of 1941, in which more than 33,000 Jews, Roma and Soviet prisoners of war died. In 2022, the monument was threatened when a Russian missile hit nearby, killing five people. The Holocaust memorial itself was unharmed, but the building intended for the new museum was damaged.

Russia, Roma, and the War

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Russia, Roma, and the War

A pogrom against Roma happened recently in Korkino, in the Cheliabinsk region. It happened after the murder of a 40-year-old taxi driver. She was killed by a teenage Rom. He probably argued with the woman about the fare. After her death, riots broke out in the city.

Seven Roma from Korkino have received summonses to report to a military recruitment centre. This was reported by Igor Dongauzer, the prosecutor of the Chelyabinsk region, during a regular meeting with the residents of Korkino. This is probably a punishment that is supposed to help the authorities rebuild their authority in the city.

Uzhhorod, the War, and Roma

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Uzhhorod, the War, and Roma

A long reportage about the Western Ukrainian city of Uzhhorod. Beside speaking to residents, refugees, people getting rehabilitated, they also looked at Roma from the city. 6’000 of them lived there prior to the war, and now almost 600 of them are enrolled in the Ukrainian Army. In addition, there are Roma refugees from currently occupied territories.

Unfortunately, they also speak about “barons” (which do not exist), and other stereotypes.

Russia, the War, and Roma

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Russia, the War, and Roma

Police and the Russian National Guard conducted a raid on the night of October 30 in areas of where Roma live in the Gatchina District of the Leningrad Region of Russia. More than 50 men were detained and registered for military service.  A “total check” as part of criminal cases on illegal drug trafficking was carried out in these areas. In one of the houses in the village of Novosiverskaya, according to the Russian police, equipment for the production of synthetic drugs and several kilograms of an unknown substance were found in a family of “nomadic people”. In addition, 15 million rubles, two traumatic pistols and a hunting rifle were allegedly seized.

In brife, Russia is looking for cannon fodder and is highlightin Roma as criminals.

Slovenia, Partisans, and Excecutions

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Communist partisans murdered 3’450 in the cave under Macesnova gorica in early 1945. These were Slovenians prisonners of war and Roma. Some of theme still do not have a burial place. The mayor of Ljubljana refused recently that the Roma killed in this massacre be buried in the city’s cemetery.

Hungary and Ukrainian Refugees

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Hungarian Prime Minister Orban had a new decree issued removing the refugee status of Ukrainian in “safe” counties. As a result, quite a few refugees found themselves on the street… Sot this issue? They are all Roma from Transcarpathia, a region Orban claims as his, and they all speak Hungarian.

But are not Hungarian in his view.
Bad and sad.

https://youtu.be/3_jLntdu-us In: Telex. 22.08.2024.

Switzerland and Roma Refugees

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An article about the current allegations against Roma refugees from the Ukraine in Switzerland. They are accused of having false Ukrainian papers or having bought them and are used by politicians to lobby against the special status granted to Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland.

Ukrainian Roma Refugees in Poland

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Ewelina Bosak from the W Stroną Dialogu Foundation  stated that 87 Roma from Ukraine are camping in the waiting room of the railway station in Przemyśl. There were 44 people there on Sunday, and on Thursday morning there were 87. Most of them were children, the youngest of whom is eight months old. There is also a pregnant woman and a man with cancer.

Bulgaria, Ukraine, and Switzerland

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The Bulgarian press took the statements of the head of the Asylum system in the Canton of Bern for truth: That Roma used faked Ukrainian papers to abuse the Swiss Asylum system. The title is as false and racist: “Roma flock to Switzerland for aid with fake Ukrainian passports.” The picture used is also not relevant, as it shows carriages, which is definitively not the mean of travel chosen by the Ukrainian Roma who ask for asylum in Switzerland.

Ukrainian Roma Children

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There is an increasing number of Roma children from Transcarpathian Ukraine in need of integration in the education system in Switzerland. Besides the normal language barrier, the main challenge is that many of these children have never been to school in the Ukraine. This poses an even bigger challenge to the towns who have to integrate them.

Transcarpathian Ukraine and Roma

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An attempt to mobilise Roma from the Transcarpathian Ukraine resulted in a riot that was dispersed by using gunfire.


Switzerland and Roma Refugees

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The Swiss minister in charge of refugees now stats that Ukrainian Roma with dual citizenship will have to leave Switzerland.

Only one little thing is not published: There are less than 10 cases that are officially acknowledged. And none on the Roma who are considered to be “problematic”.

Window dressing in politics. Shameful.

Switzerland and Roma Refugees

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The story of a small village that set up a special class for 6 Roma children from Ukrainian Roma refugees, only to see that they left.

This happens, but generally doesn’t happen just because of school. There are other pressures that are applied to those Roma mostly coming from Transcarpathian Ukraine where they lived in very hard conditions, literally overwhelming them. Some prefer simply to leave.

Switzerland and Roma Refugees

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Another article on the recent arrivals of Roma refugees from the Ukraine, mostly from the Transcarpathian region of the country. This follows the statements of the chief of the Bern refugee agency who made comments saying that Roma “abuse” the system, work in “clans” etc.


Switzerland: Again 

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Again, an article about the alleged “abuses” of the special status for Ukrainian Refugees by Roma in Switzerland. This time, it is via an interview of the head of the refugee department of the canton Bern. He panders the usual allegations, false papers, criminal clans, and all the same unproven junk.

He is lobbying against the special status for Ukrainians, and is using Roma for that purpose. Bad and racist.

Germany and Roma Refugees

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An article on Roma Refugees from the Ukraine in Germany. They are fleeing war, but instead of help, in Germany they often experience racism. The Center for Reporting and Information on Antigypsyism demands action.

More than 1.1 million people fled to Germany from the war in Ukraine, including, it is estimated, several thousand Roma, members of Europe’s largest ethnic minority. While other Ukrainian refugees received unbureaucratic and warm care, most arriving Roma experienced a very different Germany: overly formalized, unhelpful, suspicious, derogatory and racist.

Roma Refugees from the Ukraine

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A video in the Czech press about Roma refugees from the Ukraine, and a recognition that the Transcarpathian Roma are related to the Czech and Slovak ones (besides the fact that Uzhhorod was Czechoslovak between 1918 and 1945 …

Poland: Ukrainian Roma Refugees Evicted

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Several hundred refugees from Ukraine – of Roma origin – were left homeless overnight. All because of the closure of the centre in Kidałowice in Podkarpacie. As we found out, the centre was closed due to sanitary problems.

We were alerted to this matter by the W Stron Dialogu Foundation. This is an organization supporting the Roma community in Poland, including refugees who came to our country in the face of a full-scale war in Ukraine. The Foundation knew that there was a centre in Kidałowice in Podkarpacie where several hundred people lived, including women, children and seniors. They told us that overnight they were “put out on the street.”
