Tag Archives: Wedding

Roma Weddings in Leskovac

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Roma Weddings in Leskovac

An article about Roma weddings full of stereotypes. It says for example that “the Roma dream is not to make a big business, but a big wedding”. According to the article, weddings last a few days, there are a lot of guests, hundreds of thousands of euros are spent… But this cultural tradition of the Roma has also changed over time. Weddings used to last seven days, now “only” two to three days. Of course, there are exaggerations in these stories, because not everyone is so rich that they can afford to have their guests entertained by some real music stars. Those who are barely making ends meet have the selfless help of friends and relatives, so someone pays for the music.


Slovenia: Wedding

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A critical article with undertones about a Roma wedding organised by a rich Rom who worked abroad.

The undertone is that this is all criminal money. The groom was Italian, the bride Bulgarian and all of this in Slovenia …

Slovakia: Kitsch and Stereotypes

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An article about weddings and christenings among Olah (Vlach) Roma in Slovakia. Here, a wedding with lots of kitsch and gold.

This just perpetuates clichés.

Ljubjana: Roma Wedding

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A report on a Roma wedding in Ljubljana, Slovenia. These articles (and the showing of) do not help the cause.

According to the article, the house has 600 square meters, there was a bar of gold and 10 thousand euros as some of the gifts that the newlyweds received at the Roma wedding in Ljubljana.

Slovenia: Really???

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As part of the National Platform for Roma project, the Government Office for Nationalities has prepared a video competition on the topic of early and forced marriages in the Roma community. It is possible to register a video, the purpose of which will be to raise awareness and educate about the inadmissibility of early and forced marriages in the Roma community.

Well, forced marriages are not the norm. Early are common, because married life means living with someone else. This “competition” will increase the stereotypes, not fight against poverty and exclusion.
