Daily Archives: janvier 29, 2023

Slovenia and Roma

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Around two hundred Roma live in the municipality of Šentjernej in Slovenia in several. Roma representatives in the local administration are now boycotting the sessions of the municipal council. Darka Brajdič, the former elected Roma representative, says without hesitation what bothers her about her work so far in the Šentjernej municipal council:

“I was not heard, much less considered. In the last mandate, the current mayor has never been among the Roma, he does not know how they live, what needs and opportunities they have. In our municipality, Roma families are not treated the same as others, they even oppose Roma if they want to do something themselves.”

France, the Holocaust, and Roma

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A conference in Strasbourg on the Alsatian criminal police and the persecution of Sinti and Roma between 1940 and 1944.

At last one speaks about it.

French Chronicle …

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French television presents a movie about a young Romni who studies and wants to escape an arranged marriage, which according to the television is the tradition among Roma. Not quite correct, after all stereotypes are always ok about Roma. Other news are more usual: A fire in a camp in Fresnes and residents in Thiais protesting delays of closing a camp, both near Paris. And a house that was squatted by Roma in Grenoble is destroyed.
