Daily Archives: mars 10, 2023

Switzerland: New School Book

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A new book on Jenische, Sinti and Roma has just been published in Switzerland. The book is meant to be used in schools. Until recently, Switzerland did not say a word in school about these minorities.

Moravian Deportations to Auschwitz

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Maxmilian Kryštof was only seven days old when, 80 years ago, he was one of more than a thousand Roma deported from Brno to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Anna Míšková, historian of the Museum of Romani Culture in Brno, informed about this, which commemorates the transport of March 7, 1943 with a memorial service in the museum building. According to Míšková, the events should not be forgotten, especially nowadays with the influx of people fleeing the war from Ukraine.

Czech Public Schools and Roma

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A Rom is the only Roma teacher in a housing estate in Litvín. Twenty years ago, Marian Dancso had to leave the job he loved. As a sailor, he sailed on the Elbe and the North Sea for several years on cargo ships. “I served on tankers that transported chemicals, gasoline, diesel. I also spent a lot of time in Hamburg and Antwerp before I was seriously injured in a fire on board,” recalls the forty-one-year-old man, who after primary school in his native Lom u Most graduated from the Secondary Vocational School of Shipping in Děčín.
