Daily Archives: avril 2, 2023

Brussel: Exhibition

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On the occasion of International Roma Day, Fidesz EP representative Lívia Járóka organized a contemporary art exhibition entitled “Time of the Gypsies” in honor of the diverse and special Roma culture and art in the EP building in Brussels.

By presenting the works of eleven Roma visual artists of Hungarian origin, the exhibition explores the unique perspectives of Roma visual art and describes its diverse style and specific traditions in its pictorial world.

Lívia Járóka is herself subject of controverses: She is firmly behind Viktor Orban, and thus in effect and in spite of her origins, supports discrimination and segregation of Roma in Hungary.

French Chronicle …

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Some different topics this week, in addition of the usual litany of evictions and crime. An article and an exhibition in the South of France on Roma art and artists. A concert and an exhibition for April 8th in Montpellier. Then the more usual: In Marseilles, a camp was closed. In the North, a camp is threatened with closure, even though it was legally set up in 2010. In Annemasse, near Switzerland, a  new squat behind the railway station. And finally, 3 dead and 5 wounded after a fatal car crash during a car chase between rival Roma gangs in Strasbourg.

Une course-poursuite filmée à l’origine de l’accident mortel au Port-du-Rhin. In: Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace. 28.03.2023. https://www.dna.fr/faits-divers-justice/2023/03/28/un-contentieux-entre-roms-roumains-a-l-origine-de-l-accident-mortel-au-port-du-rhin
