Daily Archives: juillet 24, 2023

Roma Song Day

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On August 8, the International Roma Song Day will be held for the second time. The organizer of the initiative is Mihály “Mazsi” Rostás, who, in addition to active musicianship (Romengo, MazsiMó–GipsyMó), is the artistic manager of the formations of Mónika Lakatos, winner of the Kossuth Prize and Womex Lifetime Achievement Award. A well-known representative of gypsy music told our newspaper that the idea of a day related to Roma musical culture came to mind already in 2008, on the occasion of Hungarian Song Day, but the idea turned into action the previous year.

In addition to several Hungarian locations, the event will also be held in Parkany, Slovakia, and in Krakow, Poland.

Czech Republic: All False

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A video purposedly showing three Roma beating a Ukrainian in Brno, is a total fake. Yesterday, it came out that the person beaten up was not a Ukrainian, but today, the Brno police confirmed that neither Roma nor Ukrainians were involved.

Total disinformation.
