Category Archives: Europe

Philomena Franz

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Philomena Franz

The Nazis would never have imagined that she would outlive them. The almost centenarian Philomena Franz, who escaped certain death several times, in an extermination camp and four concentration camps, delivers these words to the director, producer and film actor Detlev Buck, who meets her in her Berlin home to arrange an interview. It was 2020, Buck had decided to shoot a documentary on the Holocaust for the Arte TV network. Until then he had never dared to make a film about the Nazi persecutions. It was the survivors who encouraged him. They feared that future generations would forget what happened. Among them Philomena Franz, a Sinti, born in 1922 and died a hundred years later, on December 28, 2022.

UNESCO Exhibition

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UNESCO Exhibition

The exhibition called “Ma Bistras” [let’s not forget] is based on the work of Luigi Toscano, who photographed and interviewed the last survivors of the Roma and Sinti genocide and their descendants to record their history, character and strength, and to draw attention to what happened to them.

Council of Europe Strategy

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Council of Europe Strategy

Latest developments on the strategy for integration of the council of Europe. Let’s hope this time, we will see progress.

EU: Call for Tenders

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EU: Call for Tenders

The Council of Europe is implementing the Joint Programme Roma Integration III in partnership with the European Union to strengthen the capacities of governments in the Western Balkans and Türkiye to address the challenges faced by Roma communities. This initiative includes the development and implementation of public policies in various sectors, such as housing, employment, education, and the fight against anti-Gypsyism.

27. November 2024

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27. November 2024

Journal Presentation: Études Tsiganes: Ukraine, №72-73 (Spring 2023)

As the invited editor of the special issue of Études Tsiganes: Ukraine, Issue 72-73 (Spring 2023) published in French, Dr. Abakunova will present the journal and discuss the rich history of Roma in Ukraine from the past to the present. Études Tsiganes is a peer-reviewed academic journal for social sciences in French, published by the Fédération nationale des associations solidaires d’action avec les Tsiganes et les Gens du voyage. The special issue is dedicated to Ukraine and Roma living in Ukrainian lands to support research about the Roma of Ukraine that is interrupted due to the war that Russia conducts against Ukraine and to give visibility to the Ukrainian researchers who are carrying out this work. The accessibility to the journal is limited due to its publication in French only; therefore, Dr. Abakunova will provide a brief overview of each article and introduce the Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian authors who contributed to the journal and Ukrainian Roma whose interviews were published in the journal, including of those who are internally replaced or took refuge in other countries. Finally, Anna will discuss the current situation of Romani Studies in Ukraine and how the war conditions impact research.

Conference on Romanes

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Conference on Romanes

The European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC), in partnership with the Council of Europe’s Roma and Travellers Division and the Division of National Minorities and Minority Languages, proudly presents the 5th International Conference – Safeguarding Romani Language. November 5th and 6th.

A book on Rudari Migration

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A book from 2023 about Rudari, a Vlach Roma group now found all over Europe. It investigates their migrations and history.


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Germany hosted the thematic visit on combating anti-Gypsyism within the framework of the Committee of Experts on Roma and Traveller Issues (ADI-ROM). The partner countries Croatia, France, Lithuania, Romania and Switzerland participated in the visit.

Very nice… Especially when you know that Switzerland doesn’t recognise Roma as a national minority, and when you see that racism is exceedingly difficult to combat there. A case against a rightist politician was lost recently. He had stated “if one doesn’t recognise a ‘Gypsy’ [Zigeuner] immidiately, one smells him”. That is not racist in Switzerland …

Roma and Politics

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Roma in Europe cannot rely on the support of traditional political parties and must build their own political power in order to gain more influence on political events. Željko Jovanović, director of the Roma Foundation for Europe, stated in an interview for the first Roma internet television, ROMEA TV, in connection with the fact that after 20 years the Roma have no representative in the European Parliament, Jovanović also emphasized the need to strengthen the economic potential of Roma and Roma women and develop their cultural identity.

Interview of Zeljko Jovanovič

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Zeljko Jovanovič, the president of the Roma Foundation for Europe and a long term activist calls for the community to look to the future and learn from the past. “I would like young Roma to see themselves as a source of collective strength. Let them work as a collective to build a higher level of resistance,” he said in an interview for at a conference on the anniversary of the Roma Holocaust in Poland.

Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma

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The official statement of the Central Council of the German Sinti and Roma on August 2nd.

August 2nd Commemorations: Western Europe

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Some statements and articles from Western Europe.