Category Archives: North Macedonia

North Macedonia: Discrimination

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North Macedonia: Discrimination

Skopje’s public transportation is apparently discriminating against Roma, not stopping at stops in the Roma neighbourhood.


North Macedonia: Unequal Opportunities

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North Macedonia: Unequal Opportunities

“The poorest areas (ghettos) or suburban areas are poorly developed neighbourhoods with poorly built houses, without access to water, sewage, paved roads, electricity and other basic public services available in the modern world. All this contributes to creating an unequal starting point and life opportunities compared to other citizens living in a developed neighbourhood, settlement, district or city. “Due to poor housing conditions, a series of other social problems arise, such as social exclusion, insufficient inclusion of children in education, difficulties in accessing work, health, social rights and other public services,” says the Commission for Prevention and Protection against Discrimination on the occasion of International Human Rights Day.

North Macedonia: Conference

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North Macedonia: Conference

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Timcho Mutsunski participated and addressed the government donor conference “Roma and their friends”, dedicated to projects aimed at improving the integration of Roma into society, with a focus on housing, culture and education.

The Minister highlighted the importance of the National Strategy for Roma Inclusion 2022-2030, which addresses key areas such as education, employment, housing, social and health care. He stressed that the government will continue its efforts to achieve social cohesion and equal development and will firmly keep the promise that “no one will be left behind”, in line with the UN 2030 Agenda.

North Macedonia: Kindergarten

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North Macedonia: Kindergarten

350 Roma children will be able to attend kindergarten free of charge in Centar and Gazi Baba in the periphery of Skopje. This is part of a project for the inclusion of Roma children in municipal institutions.

Knowing how many Roma there are around Skopje, this is a drop of water on a hot stone. Almost an alibi exercise. And the user of “Roma Nationality” is very much reminiscent of the old socialist notion.

They are North Macedonians …

North Macedonia and Romanes

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North Macedonia and Romanes

Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski of North macedonia emphasised at the commemoration of the International Day of the Romani Language that taking care of the language is also taking care of the future of Roma culture and its values. With the support of education, cultural manifestations and international initiatives, he said we can be sure that the Romani language will continue to be part of our cultural wealth.

North Macedonia and Roma

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The police and the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime committed direct discrimination against a Roma child from Prilep by failing to conduct a thorough and detailed investigation into how the child was injured in the head, chest and back and whether this was due to the use of excessive police force.


EU, Balkans, and Roma

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North Macedonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani, in his role as co-chair of the Berlin Process, delivered the opening speech of the ministerial meeting dedicated to Roma integration hosted in Tirana, Albania. He said that “Roma are an integral part of our societies. Without any excuses, we must take concrete political and legal measures to increase their involvement in all social events. Integration with the EU is a common path and the Roma cannot be left aside. As countries aspiring to EU membership, we must demonstrate an effective regional concept of Roma integration, with visible progress in the areas of education, employment, health and housing for Roma.”

Bitola, North Macedonia

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The three-year project “BAIR-Joint Action of Bitola for the inclusion of Roma” ended and was financed by the EU, implemented by the Italian NGO COSV, Preda Plus Foundation and the Municipality of Bitola. The final conference of the project “BAIR-joint action of Bitola for the inclusion of Roma” is the culmination of the joint efforts and dedicated initiatives of the project partners and collaborators in the direction of encouraging socio-economic inclusion in the Bair settlement. Through cooperation and dedicated action, the project enabled significant improvements in the urban component in the Bair neighbourhood and improved social inclusion.

Roma Ball

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More on the Roma ball and on the fashion exhibited there in Skopje yesterday.

Skopje Roma Ball

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On January 13th, the European Roma Ball was held in the “Alexandar Palace” hotel in Skopje, organized by the Roma United from Macedonia (ROM) party, headed by Erdzhan Selimi. He thanked the many people present, and mentioned the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, who was among the guests, calling him the future prime minister of Macedonia.

Roma Ball in Skopje

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The two Balkan stars Svetlana Ceca Ražnatović and Tea Tairović will perform at the “World Roma Ball” in Skopje, which will be held on January 18 of this month. Ceca will sing for 50,000 euros, Tea Tairovic for 20,000 euros.

This is a ball with budget to say the least …

Roma Ball

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The traditional World Roma Ball will be held in Skopje for the 44th time on January 18, are already preparing for the event. As in previous years, guests from all over Europe are expected. They will be entertained by Ceca, Thea Tairovic, Jogani, Muharem Serbezovski, Tarkan, Jefrina at the Alexander Palace Hotel.


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The Šutka offers the iconic but often caricatural image of the Roma of North Macedonia. The municipality of Šuto Orizari, on the outskirts of Skopje, was born in 1963, after the earthquake which devastated the Macedonian capital. Far from the “slum” imagined by some, travel to discover the many faces of the neighbourhood. First part of a series of 4 articles.

North Macedonia: Resistance Exhibition

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North Macedonian President Stevo Pendarovski visited the exhibition “Roma partisans – photos and biographies” authored by Daniel Petrovski, organized by the Association of Romani Folk Art Lovers “Romano Ilo” – Skopje. The exhibition presents 50 Roma fighters who participated in various brigades and divisions in the NOB during the Second World War.

North Macedonia, Universities, and Roma

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Students from the Roma Association “Romaversitas” started a campaign against the abuse of quotas at the university and a correction in the application of the enrolment policy, after five Roma students who applied to the Faculty of Medicine were rejected from the state and private quota of the faculty.

North Macedonia and Racism

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The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights strongly condemned offensive graffiti with swastikas and inscriptions “Gyupci”, written with black spray on the houses of the Roma population on Debarska street in Bitola, North Macedonia. According to them, this is another case of a hate crime, with a message calling for violence against the Roma ethnic community.

“Starting from the aspiration to build coexistence, tolerance and mutual respect, regardless of national, ethnic, religious or any other affiliation, we demand that the competent institutions, above all, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor’s Office thoroughly investigate the case, find the perpetrators , who should be held accountable for this crime,” the Helsinki Committee stated.