Category Archives: Romania

Romania and Roma

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Romania and Roma

A typical article. A few correct facts, and many stereotypes …

Alina Serban

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Alina Serban

An article in French on Alina Serban’s latest theatre play. One should contrast the way the French speaking press reports on it with the way the German and English speaking one does.

The French have a long way to go.

Let the Light In

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Let the Light In

The latest piece from Alina Serban, a Romani actress.


Roms roumains

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A reportage on the situation of Roma in Sibiu, Romania.

– Das Elend der Roma von Sibiu. In: Deutsche Welle. 09.05.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

Oh well…

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The usual kind of “reporting”. Yes, there it shows a police raid against Roma in Romania. But Child slavery? Begging? Come on …

– BUILT WITH BRIT CASH. The luxury town where rich Romanian gangsters build mega mansions from British money and child slavery. In: The Sun. 22.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Alina Serban

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The Romani actress Alina Serban is making the headlines in the Belgian press and is contributing to a change of representation of Roma in that country.

– Alina Serban, conteuse d’histoires. In: Le Soir. 06.02.2019.
– “Seule à mon mariage”, l’autre réussite belge de Cannes. In: L’Echo. 07.02.2019.
– “Seule à mon mariage” sur les grands écrans dés mercredi. In: RTC. 05.02.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Romania and Roma

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Romania will preside the EU for the coming 6 months. This article ponders the impact of this presidency over the situation of Roma in the country.
Well, we think it will not change much for as long as the country as a whole does not change.

– Profitieren rumänische Roma vom EU-Vorsitz? In: Deutschlandfunk. 02.02.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

Romania – Festival

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A reportage on an old celebration in Romania that can be traced back to Roma.

– Did You Know of This Romanian Festival That Is Supposed To Ward Off Evil Spirits? In: About Her. [link-preview url=””]

BS …

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Stereotypes in Netflix – this time about a prison in Romania and Roma.

– Inside The World’s Toughest Prisons Season 3 Details Revealed. In: What’s On Netflix. 13.12.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Podvinogradov again

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Another article on the Roma villas in the Ukrainian village of Podvinogradov close to the Romanian border.


Ukraine: Podvinogradov

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A Roma settlement in the Ukraine is making the headlines. Situated close to the Romanian border, the village of Podvinogradov has a collection of rich Roma mansions os a taste similar to the one across the border.

– В Украине нашли секретный табор ромов, богатству которого позавидует даже Янукович: видео. In: ZNAJ. 13.12.2018. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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Not many news in France this week, probably due to the current manifestations in the country…
In the news, a portrait of a young Romanian Romni who is in high school, which highlights the difficulties to get into a school. Another article on 8, Rue Lénine, the new movie on Roma. An open letter addressed to the prefect of the Val de Marne, to ask for a strategy to on Roma camps. And finally, several articles on a squat of Roma in Buchelay who are allowed to stay.

– Ana-Maria, 16 ans : «Ma vie entre le bidonville et le lycée». In: Le Parisien. 20.11.2018.
– Anna Pitoun: “Filmer c’est écouter avant de regarder”. In: France Culture. 20.11.2018.
– Val-de-Marne : lettre ouverte au préfet sur le sort des Roms. In: Le Parisen. 22.11.2018.
– Buchelay : le tribunal administratif de Versailles suspend l’expulsion des Roms. In: Le Parisien. 19.11.2018.
– Les Roms de Buchelay obtiennent un sursis. In: La Gazette des Yvelines. 22.11.2018.
– Yvelines. Buchelay : de squat en squat, itinéraire d’un Rom. In: 20.11.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Bad …

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No comments, but it is not good for all…

– ‘Leave your toys, today you married your bride’: Boy, 10, ‘marries’, eight-year-old girl in Romanian gypsy ceremony. In: The Daily Mail. 20.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Exhibition on Holocaust

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The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance launched a digital exhibition on the Roma and Sinti Holocaust. Worth checking.

– Digital Exhibition about Genocide of Sinti and the Roma accompanied by Stories about Hungary, Croatia and Romania. In: IHRA. [link-preview url=””]

Fraud …

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This is bad: A network of welfare fraud for at least 1.7 million euros in the North has been dismantled and three Roma have been indicted for organised fraud. Agents of the Family Allowance Fund (CAF) and the social regime of the self-employed (RSI) had reported mid-2017 the abnormal increase, in a few months, of the constitution of files – 1,200 by Roma entrepreneurs living in Valenciennes.

According to a source close to the survey, young women declared themselves self-employed in metal recycling, then declared false pregnancies supported by the RSI. Money was then transferred to Romania and invested in real estate. Three Roma, two men and a woman aged 27 and considered as the head of the network, were arrested this week, indicted for organized fraud, forgery and use of forged, and imprisoned.

– Valenciennois : une escroquerie aux allocations sociales d’au moins 1,7 million d’euros démantelée. In: FR3. 19.10.2018.
– Nord: une escroquerie aux allocations sociales d’au moins 1,7 million d’euros démantelée. In: L’Express Mutuel. 19.10.2018.
– Fausses autoentrepreneures et fausses grossesses : une escroquerie aux allocations sociales d’au moins 1,7 million d’euros démantelée dans le Nord. In: L’Est Éclair. 19.10.2018.
– Nord : ils escroquent 1,7 million d’euros d’allocations sociales, le réseau démantelé. In: Sud Ouest. 19.10.2018.
– Nord : 1,7 millions d’euros de prestations sociales détournées par un réseau dirigé par des Roms. In: RT. 20.10.2018.
– Nord: Au moins 1,7 million de prestations sociales détournées par deux familles roumaines. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 19.10.2018.
– Nord : une escroquerie aux allocations sociales d’au moins 1,7 million d’euros démantelée. In: Europe 1. 19.10.2018.
– Nord: une escroquerie aux allocations sociales d’au moins 1,7 million d’euros démantelée. In: Actu Orange. 19.10.2018.
– Fausses autoentrepreneures et fausses grossesses: une escroquerie aux allocations sociales d’au moins 1,7 million d’euros démantelée dans le Nord. In: Le Courrier Picard. 19.10.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

French Chronicle …

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A new movie aims at deconstructing the stereotypes on Roma in Marseille – this is new in France. In Sètes, in the South, a temporary camp will be closed mid-November. In Montreuil, near Paris, yet another evacuation, and a pledge for the children who are the victims of such evacuations, losing their right to attend school in the process. Near Paris, in Noisy le Grand, a squat is provoking tensions in the neighbourhood. In the North, a Romni who is part of an integration program is again expulsed – nasty. Finally, the story of a young Rom from Romania who has created is own enterprise in Strasbourg.

– Marseille : un film qui démonte les clichés autour des Roms. In: La Marseillaise. 17.10.2018.
– Sète : le camp transitoire de roms démantelé le 15 novembre. In: Le Midi Libre. 19.10.2018.,4738467.php
– Énième évacuation de Roms à Montreuil. In: Médiapart. 16.10.2018.
– Enfants Roms, chassés de la ville-monde. In: Médiapart. 16.10.2018.
– Noisy-le-Grand : le squat d’un hôtel provoque des tensions avec les riverains. In: Yahoo. 14.10.2018.ôtel-provoque-tensions-riverains-141952421.html
– La maman Rom en insertion à nouveau expulsée… I: La Voix du Nord. 19.10.2018.
– Journée mondiale de lutte contre la pauvreté : Viorel, de la rue à la création d’entreprise à Strasbourg. In: France Bleu. 16.10.2018. [link-preview url=”,4738467.php “]

Northern Ireland and Roma

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The reaction of the Romanian Roma organisation following the apologies on the accusations against them by the Northern Irish authorities.

– ‘They’re from the community of Roma, they look bad to us’. In: BBC. 17.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]