Tag Archives: Conference

27. November 2024

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27. November 2024

Journal Presentation: Études Tsiganes: Ukraine, №72-73 (Spring 2023)

As the invited editor of the special issue of Études Tsiganes: Ukraine, Issue 72-73 (Spring 2023) published in French, Dr. Abakunova will present the journal and discuss the rich history of Roma in Ukraine from the past to the present. Études Tsiganes is a peer-reviewed academic journal for social sciences in French, published by the Fédération nationale des associations solidaires d’action avec les Tsiganes et les Gens du voyage. The special issue is dedicated to Ukraine and Roma living in Ukrainian lands to support research about the Roma of Ukraine that is interrupted due to the war that Russia conducts against Ukraine and to give visibility to the Ukrainian researchers who are carrying out this work. The accessibility to the journal is limited due to its publication in French only; therefore, Dr. Abakunova will provide a brief overview of each article and introduce the Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian authors who contributed to the journal and Ukrainian Roma whose interviews were published in the journal, including of those who are internally replaced or took refuge in other countries. Finally, Anna will discuss the current situation of Romani Studies in Ukraine and how the war conditions impact research.

North Macedonia: Conference

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North Macedonia: Conference

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Timcho Mutsunski participated and addressed the government donor conference “Roma and their friends”, dedicated to projects aimed at improving the integration of Roma into society, with a focus on housing, culture and education.

The Minister highlighted the importance of the National Strategy for Roma Inclusion 2022-2030, which addresses key areas such as education, employment, housing, social and health care. He stressed that the government will continue its efforts to achieve social cohesion and equal development and will firmly keep the promise that “no one will be left behind”, in line with the UN 2030 Agenda.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

A few articles on the action “a month for Roma”, with exhibitions and documentaries. Unfortunately always with the idea that Roma are “Travellers”… In Perpignan, in the South of France, there was a conference of Manouches, Gitans and Roma. Finally, items stolen from building sites were recovered ina Roma camp near Angers in the centre of France.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Quite a number of articles this past week in France about Roma. A conference on the “Gypsy practises” mentioning nomads; another one on the persecution of Roma, Sinti, and Yénisches, which perpetuates some of the stereotypes; and an action to help Roma from a slum.

After that, a small commune in Western France which doesn’t want to expel Roma without a more permanent housing solution; and finally, a plethora of articles of a false rumour that a small village next to Nantes would see 500 caravans and Roma resettled there.

Łodź: Lecture

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Łodź: Lecture

The Marek Edelman Dialogue Center in Łódź invites you on Saturday, November 30 at 5:00 PM to the City Museum of Łódź for a lecture by Dr. Monika Weychert entitled “Even Death Fears Auschwitz. Commemorations and Holocaust Art Created by People with Roma Roots”. The event accompanies the first solo exhibition in Poland by the Roma artist and writer Ceija Stojka, “Ceija Stojka (1933-2013): “I Cannot Forget””.

Łodź: Conference

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Łodź: Conference

A conference on Roma settlements and houses by the political scientist Andrzej Grzymała-Kazłowski will be held on the 26 of October in Łodź.

Conference in Greece

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Conference in Greece

A conference on Antisemmitism and anti-Roma racism in Greece on October 17th. It goes unter the motto “Let us never forget” and investigates the roots of the Holocaust, a systematic genocide during World War II,  which targeted, Jews and Roma on ethnic grounds. Its roots lie in long-standing prejudices and the radicalization of exclusionary ideologies during the nation-building period of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Understanding this historical context is crucial to recognizing and combating similar forms of discrimination today.

Congress in Croatia

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The fifth jubilee Congress of young Roma women and men was held in Zagreb from October 4 to 6, 2024. The common denominator of the thematic units that will be woven through lectures and group work is Roma identity – what makes it and how to preserve it. Under the slogan “youth for the youth”, lecturers Ardijan Gaši, Talita Jašarevski, Matej Čolig and Anesa Šabani talked about the Romanes, folklore, nurturing traditions and customs, about the written word, Roma writers and journalists, and, unfortunately, still present discrimination against the Roma community.

Prague and April 8th

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The celebration of the International Day of the Roma start today with a conference in the Brožík room of the Old Town Hall focused on the future of financing Roma art and culture.

“Unfortunately, Roma culture is still perceived primarily as community entertainment. This approach has far-reaching effects on many levels, of which, in addition to the social one, for those of us who deal with our culture professionally, the financial level is the most sensitive,” says David Tišer, Roma activist, director and director of the organizing association Ara Art.

Slovenia: Conference

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Discrimination is a big issue in Slovenia, but everyone can help ensure that everyone receives decent treatment and equal opportunities. These are the main messages of the conference of the European co-financed project Let’s face discrimination, with which the Defender of the Principle of Equality, the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television of the University of Ljubljana (AGRFT), the Association of Municipalities of Slovenia and the Prizma Foundation raise awareness about protection against discrimination.

Conference: Critical Romani Studies

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 ‘Exploring Racial Capitalism: Critical Romani Studies in Central and Eastern Europe’ is the closing conference of the research project ‘Precarious labor and peripheral housing. The socio-economic practices of Romanian Roma in the context of changing industrial relations and uneven territorial development’ conducted at Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, between 2020-2023.

The conference takes place tomorrow, October 19th, and can be attended remotely if registered.


International Roma Conference

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On Thursday, September 21, an international Roma conference was held in Radenci, Slovenia. Representatives of the Roma community from 15 countries discussed several topics important to Roma with representatives of national and European institutions. In the foreground were the implementation of the European Commission’s ten-year plan for supporting Roma in the EU and the presentation of good practices for solving the problems of the Roma community.

Milano: Linguistic Conference

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The 15th International Conference on the linguistics of the Romani language will take place on 13 and 14 September 2023, a biennial event that brings together all the specialists in this field and which is held for the first time in Italy.


Spain Symposium

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More than forty people from the Roma community, among them refugees from Ukraine participate here in a “protected space” in a symposium on the management of traumas and their healing, for strengthening and empowering oneself.

Roxanna-Lorainne Witt, co-founder of the association Save Space and co-organizer of the symposium, explains in an interview for DW: “Who strengthens those people, who are strong for all of us? How are role models supported, so that strengthen themselves, while they themselves often have to work without stable perspectives and structures? Normal experiences – such as seeing the sea once in a lifetime – are often completely undervalued.”
