Tag Archives: Music

Documentary on Roma and Music

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A Slovak documentary on Roma and music. Quite a few clichés.

– Útrapy Rómov, ich hudobné nadanie a spôsob, akým dedia umenie už celé generácie. To a oveľa viac nájdete v novom slovenskom dokumente. In: Filmkult. 10.11.2017. https://filmkult.refresher.sk/9475-Utrapy-Romov-ich-hudobne-nadanie-a-sposob-akym-dedia-umenie-uz-cele-generacie-To-a-ovela-viac-najdete-v-novom-slovenskom-dokumente

French Chronicle …

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Less news on expulsions, more news, and more reports on the associations fighting for Roma. First, an serious scientific article about the 15 to 20’000 Roma in France (there are more, but as usual, one counts only the ones in the camps). In that context, an exhibition by a Romanian artist in a festival in Western France attempts a dialogue. Then an association in Grenoble that will close down for lack of funds.
This is to be contrasted with potential expulsions in Poissy, in Melun, and one effective camp closure in Créteil, all around Paris. In western France, in Angers, a house is being squatted by Roma and the city’s mayor has been contested for his expulsion policies. Finally, in the North a baby died in a camp.

– Qui sont vraiment les Roms de France ? In: CNRS. 18.09.2017. https://lejournal.cnrs.fr/articles/qui-sont-vraiment-les-roms-de-france
– «Dialogues n°3» d’Aurelia Ivan sur les Roms et les bidonvilles. In: RFI. 22.09.2017. http://www.rfi.fr/culture/20170922-dialogues-3-aurelia-ivan-roms-bidonvilles-francophonies-limousin-jeremy-gravayat
– ROMS ACTION EN PÉRIL SUITE À UN DÉSENGAGEMENT DES COLLECTIVITÉS LOCALES. In: Place Grenet. 24.09.2017. https://www.placegrenet.fr/2017/09/24/roms-action-peril-suite-a-desengagement-collectivites-locales/152928
– Roms action va “mettre la clef sous la porte”. In: Le Dauphiné. 18.09.2017. http://www.ledauphine.com/isere-sud/2017/09/18/roms-action-va-mettre-la-clef-sous-la-porte
– A Grenoble, l’association Roms Action risque de fermer faute de subventions. In: France Info FR3. 18.09.2017. http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/auvergne-rhone-alpes/isere/grenoble/grenoble-association-roms-action-risque-fermer-faute-subventions-1330393.html
– Poissy : l’affaire des Roms tranchée la semaine prochaine par le tribunal. In: Le Parisien. 21.09.2017. http://www.leparisien.fr/poissy-78300/poissy-l-affaire-des-roms-tranchee-la-semaine-prochaine-par-le-tribunal-21-09-2017-7276776.php
– Melun. Une procédure d’expulsion en cours pour les Roms installés dans un bâtiment désaffecté de l’hôpital. In: Actu.fr. 20.09.2017. https://actu.fr/ile-de-france/melun_77288/melun-une-procedure-dexpulsion-cours-roms-installes-dans-batiment-desaffecte-lhopital_11944945.html
– Les Roms installés à l’hôpital Marc Jacquet de Melun risquent l’expulsion. In: Evasion. 21.09.2017. https://www.evasionfm.com/actualite-28134-les-roms-installes-a-l-hopital-marc-jacquet-de-melun-risquent-l-expulsion.html
– Créteil : le camp du carrefour Pompadour évacué. In: Le Parisien. 19.08.2017. http://www.leparisien.fr/creteil-94000/creteil-le-camp-du-carrefour-pompadour-evacue-19-09-2017-7271700.php
– Angers : un pavillon abandonné est devenu un refuge pour des familles roms. In: FR3 Info. 19.09.2017. http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/pays-de-la-loire/maine-et-loire/angers/angers-pavillon-abandonne-est-devenu-refuge-familles-roms-1331321.html
– Angers. Expulsions : le maire interpellé par des militants. In: Ouest France. 20.09.2017. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/angers-49000/angers-expulsions-le-maire-interpelle-par-des-militants-5259606
– Un nourrisson retrouvé mort dans un squat à Roubaix. In: FR3 France Info. 22.09.2017. http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/hauts-de-france/nord-0/nourrisson-retrouve-mort-squat-roubaix-1332999.html

Slovakia: End of the Festival

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The festival that took place in Zvolen, Banska Bistrica and in nearby towns is ending this week end. Yesterday, a gala concert with Roma musicians from various countries was held in Sliač with musicians from Russia, Hungary, Czech republic and Slovakia.

– Galaprogramom dnes vrcholí multižánrové podujatie Ľudia z rodu Rómov. In: Dobre Noviny. 19.08.2017. http://www.dobrenoviny.sk/c/108437/galaprogramom-dnes-vrcholi-multizanrove-podujatie-ludia-z-rodu-romov

Festival of another Kind

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On the 16th of August, in the Banská Bystrica Historic Town Hall, the largest Roma multi-ethnic event in Central Slovakia will be opened. It is called “Ľudia z rodu Rómov” [People of the Roma family] and will last until the 19th of August. A non-traditional home-based exhibition focusses on Roma women and their position in society in connection with the growing extremism and radicalism is part of the festival.

“The individual activities of the festival will be held in three cities – Banská Bystrica, Zvolen, Sliac and visitors can enjoy outstanding Roma artists from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania,” said Denisa Sciranková from Quo Vadis civic association.

– Rómsky festival Ľudia z rodu Rómov odštartuje netradičnou výstavou. In: Dobre Noviny. 14.08.2017. http://www.dobrenoviny.sk/c/108102/romsky-festival-ludia-z-rodu-romov-odstartuje-netradicnou-vystavou

Ewa Minge

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The Polish fashion designer Ewa Minge is presenting a new collection in Paris during the Haute Couture week inspired by Roma dresses and tales. “The collection is extremely colorful, inspired by old fairy tales, drawing directly on culture, music and the Roma tradition,” says Małgorzata Sawicka, president of the Black Butterflies Foundation, founded by Ewa Minga.

– Ewa Minge w Paryżu. Barwne stroje inspirowane romską kulturą. In: Wyborcza. 01.07.2017. http://zielonagora.wyborcza.pl/zielonagora/7,35182,22039327,ewa-minge-w-paryzu-stroje-inspirowane-kultura-romow-zdjecia.html
