07.02.2014 The mass immigration initiative of the SVP and the Rroma


Suter (2014) examines the role of anxiety and emotions in the debate on migration in the EU, referring to the controversial mass immigration initiative of the SVP. Suter takes up a liberal position in the debate: economically strong countries such as Germany, Great Britain or Switzerland are too afraid of poverty migrants who will supposedly burden the social welfare system or already do it. Thereby we easily forget how valuable well-educated migrants are to the economies of these countries: “The battle around the SVP-initiative is being fought on familiar territory: proponents speak of fears of unemployment, cultural unease and impending crime; opponents rely on tolerance, refer to the benefits of immigrants to the economy and prosperity.” In addition, it is easily forgotten that EU-citizens may only settle down in Switzerland if they are in possession an employment contract. Concerning the role the Rroma play in this debate, Suter is not free of prejudices himself: he incorrectly equals Rroma with travellers and repeats media prejudices who speak of unwillingness to integrate and culturally-related crimes.
