Monthly Archives: April 2017

Bulgaria, Babies, and Rroma

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Traffickers in new-borns have been condemned to heavy prison sentences (10 years for two men, and 5 years for one women). They were accused to have brought pregnant women to Greece for the purpose of adoption of their child at birth. The babies were sold for up to 15’000 Euros.
Many of the mothers came from Rroma ghettos. The condemned, though, seem to have been Bulgarian (otherwise, chances are this would have been said …)

– Bulgarie: Lourdes peines de prison pour vente de nouveau-nés. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 28.04.2017.

An American View on Rroma …

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A fairly activist view of Rroma – with quite a few historical inaccuracies (slavery and serfdom for Rroma was only in Romanian lands, etc.).
What is bad in such representations is that it stereotypes Rroma just as victims and states “Colloquially referred to as “gypsies” for their supposed Egyptian heritage, the Roma are a heterogeneous ethnic group without a single common language, religion, or cultural tradition”. This is totally inaccurate – as there is a single common language and traditions, and only religion is different, taking the religion of the region in which they settled.

– Europe’s Vilified Minority: The Roma Through Pictures. In: The Politic. 27.04.2017.

AfD …

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Again one AfD member shows the true colours of that German Party. He is being sued by Roma and Sinti organisations for racism after having posted a post on Facebook stating „Kann es sein, daß wir ein Zigeunerproblem haben?“ – [can it be that we have a Gypsy problem]…The post continued on the increased criminality that came as the result of the migration of Romanian and Bulgarian Rroma.

– AfD Saalekreis Kreisvorsitzender Tillschneider wegen Facebook-Post angezeigt. In: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung. 26.04.2017.

Slovakia: New Land Ownership Rules

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Starting in September, the new land ownership rules take effect in Slovakia. The new rules allow for consolidation of land, something the country badly needs. However, this leaves Rroma exposed, as most of them do not have any landownership. There are provisions in the new law to allow Rroma in settlement to construct better homes, but the fear is that these will not suffice.

– Pozemky Rómov s novými pravidlami. In: Hospodarske Noviny. 26.04.2017.

Holocaust Remembrance Day

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On the 74th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, the Holocaust remembrance day was celebrated in several countries. In Israel, the German foreign minister attended the celebrations as Yad Vashem.

– Holocaust-Gedenktag in Israel: Gabriel erinnert an die Opfer. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. 24.04.2017.

France – A Debate and an Example

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An evening centred on Rroma was organised in Montreuil, a northern suburb of Paris with quite a few Rroma. There was a debate on integration, and Anina Ciuciu, a young Rromni and a law student in Paris, provided the best example possible: Give them a chance, and it will happen!

– Montreuil : le courageux témoignage d’Anina Ciuciu, Rom et élève avocate. In: Le Parisien. 23.04.2017.
– Montreuil : débat et soirée festive grâce à Rom Réussite. In: Le Parisien. 21.04.2017.

Italy – Manifestations

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Italian Rroma will be walking along the ANPI procession in Rome on 25 April, a march of the Partisans commemorating the resistance in Italy. The Rroma are an integral part of Italy, having been there more than 700 years, and are still facing discrimination in that country.

– Sinti e rom sfilano con i partigiani. In: BlastingNews. 24.04.2017.
– Rom e Sinti, sfileranno assieme ai Partigiani per il 25 aprile. In: Network. 24.04.2017.

Slovakia – School Protests

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Parents protested once again in Žilina, in Northern Slovakia. Their protests were directed at the re-distribution of pupils from a school in a mostly Rroma neighbourhood into other schools. In brief, parents do not want Rroma kids in their children classes.
Long way to go …

– Rodičia protestujú proti prerozdeleniu detí zo zrušenej školy, začali spisovať petíciu. In: Žilinak. 23.04.2017.

A Hole in the Head

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A long article about the movie “A Hole in the Head” about the Rroma Holocaust, as well as an interview of Raymond Gurene a French manouche who is 100 years old and who managed to escape the Holocaust.
It is interesting to see that this documentary has prompted many articles in the Slovak press.

– Hrôzy rómskeho holokaustu: Pri vraždení ich ani nepočítali, boli menej ako zvieratá. In: Aktualne. 16.04.2017.

Ukraine – and the Rroma Genocide

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A site devoted to the Rroma Holocasust in Ukraine and specifically, an exhibition on the deportation of the Rroma of Transnistria during World War Two. The Romanian regime deported many Rroma to the Transnistria region during the War, and many died there.


Croatia and the Ustaša

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April 22nd is the day of the commemoration of the victims of the Ustaši regime in Croatia. The regime ran a systematic annihilation of its Jewish and Rroma minorities during World War Two. Unfortunately, these crimes are not universally recognised and the current Croatian government is even rehabilitating some people who were involved in the regime.

– Croatie: la condamnation des crimes du régime oustachi pronazi n’est pas unanime. In: FR Sputnik News. 21.04.2017.
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