Author Archives: RF

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The burial of a popular Rom Vajda Ligač in Nitra, Slovakia, made the headlines in the press. May he rest in peace.

– S nitrianskym vajdom sa rozlúčili stovky ľudí, polícia regulovala dopravu. In: SME. 11.05.2019.
– VIDEO Rómovia pochovávali obľúbeného vajdu Ligača († 67): Toto nešťastní trúchliaci nečakali! In: Pluska. 11.05.2019.
– VIDEO Žalostný nárek Rómov v areáli nitrianskej nemocnice: Ich vajda vraj zomrel. In: Topky. 11.05.2019.–Ich-vajda-vraj-zomrel [link-preview url=” “]

Slovakia and Integration

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According to the press and government, more than half of the 154 planned integration activities have been completed in 2018. This stems from the monitoring report on the implementation of the Strategy for Roma Integration until 2020. The balance of 2018 was submitted by the Ministry of the Interior to the interdepartmental comment procedure.
Whether this half is actually effective remains to be seen.

– Zo 154 aktivít na integráciu Rómov sa v roku 2018 plnilo 85. In: Teraz. 14.05.2019.
– Viac než polovica. Zo 154 plánovaných aktivít na integráciu Rómov sa v minulom roku splnilo 85. In: Hlavne Dennik. 10.05.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Croatia and Roma

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The most deprived category of Croatians are Roma children …

– Roma Children Most Deprived Group in Croatia. In: Total Croatia News. 09.05.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Belgium: Police Action

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A huge police action took place in Belgium. Its aim was to dismantle a vast con network that was involved in scams with used cars. During the operation, cars but also caravans were confiscated.

– “Ils nous ont pris nos caravanes et nous ont laissés sur le trottoir”: la communauté rom dénonce l’opération policière. In: BX1. 09.05.2019.
– Vaste opération policière en Belgique: le porte-parole des Gitans arrêté. In: Le Soir. 10.05.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Bulgaria and Roma

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An in-depth article on the situation of Roma in Bulgaria and the institutionalisation of racism against them in the government.

– ROMS EN BULGARIE : LE GOUVERNEMENT POUSSE À LA HAINE ET AU RACISME. In: Le Courrier des Balkans. 10.05.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Romanian Roma

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A reportage on the situation of Roma in Sibiu, Romania.

– Das Elend der Roma von Sibiu. In: Deutsche Welle. 09.05.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

French Chronicle …

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The French news this week were overwhelmingly reporting about the issues in Italy where riots erupted after a Roma family was allocated a flat in a social housing. Many articles in the catholic French press on the pope and his intervention, but also about the overall situation of Roma. And otherwise, the beginning of the Ramadan for Moslem Roma and only two news on camps, one in the North, in Wattrelos, and in Grenoble.

– Le pape manifeste son soutien aux personnes roms victimes de discrimination. In: La Croix. 11.05.2019.
– L’Europe est l’espoir des Roms. In: La Croix. 12.05.2019.
– Le pape dénonce les tensions à Rome autour d’une famille rom en HLM. In: TV5 Monde. 09.05.2019.
– L’attribution d’un HLM à une famille de Roms attise la tension. In: Le Courrier International. 09.05.2019.
– Pape François: les Roms ne sont pas des “citoyens de seconde classe”. In: 09.05.2019.
– Un groupe de Roms reçu par le Pape pour un temps de prière. In: Vatican News. 09.05.2019.
– À Nantes, l’Europe bute sur l’intégration des Roms. In: Ouest France. 10.05.2019.
– Fête du ramadan à Clichy-sous-Bois : la main tendue des musulmans aux Roms. In: Le Parisien. 10.05.2019.
– Wattrelos Le camp de Roms du Sartel, une histoire sans fin. In: La Voix du Nord. 07.05.2019.
– Le Bidonville du terrain Courtade de Fontaine a été évacué et rasé vendredi 3 au matin. In: Place Grenet. 06.05.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Italy: More about the family

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The Family of Roma at the centre of the controversy and the mob in Rome are Bosnian Roma.

– Pope Backs Bosnian Roma Family Against Italian Rightists. In: Balkan Insights. 10.05.2019. [link-preview url=””]

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In the context of the International Roma day, two articles in the German Press.

– “Unbeliebteste Minderheit in Europa”. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. 08.04.2019.
– Experte fordert Bleibeperspektive für Sinti und Roma. In: MiGazin. 09.04.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Romani Rose on 8th of April

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The chairman of the German Council of Sinti and Roma, Romani Rose, spoke on April 8th about the dangers of thinking along racial lines and of the dangers of extremism.

– Sinti und Roma warnen vor „völkischem Denken“. In: DLF 24. 09.04.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

Zigeuner …

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On why using the term Zigeuner (Gypsy) is racist.

– „Zigeuner ist rassistisch“: Sinti und Roma wehren sich gegen „Zigeuner“-Begriff. In: Tele Bärn. 08.04.2019. [link-preview url=”″]


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A Labour councillor in the UK made a comment on social media stating that “Hitler had the right idea” about travellers.
He certainly has turned his brain off at some point.

– Labour councillor denies Facebook Hitler remark. In: BBC News. 08.04.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

No Comments

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Bad …

– Spanish police brutally end street fight between Roma travellers with vicious kicks, punches and baton charges in shocking footage taken in a busy Madrid square. In: Daily Mail. 09.04.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Greece and Roma

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Tsirpas, the Greek PM, met Roma representatives. According to him, his government made good progress on Integration…
Well, lots remain to be done…

– Greece’s gypsies should not be viewed as second class citizens: Greek PM. In: Greek City Times. 09.04.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Zigeuner …

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An interview in Switzerland on why the name Zigeuner should not be used.

– [link-preview url=””]

Slovenia and Roma

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An article n the Slovenian press on Roma stressing the need for education for Integration.

– Položaj Romov. In: Radio Prvi. 08.04.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Poland: Youtuber Condemned

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A well-known youtuber “IsAmUxPompa” has been found guilty of offending Roma and sentenced by a court. He has to pay a fine of 3’000 Polish Zlotys. A first in the contry.

– Poznań: Znany youtuber IsAmUxPompa winny obrażania Romów i skazany przez sąd. Ma zapłacić grzywnę. In: Głos Wielkopolski. 19.03.2019.
– Poznań: Znany youtuber IsAmUxPompa winny obrażania Romów i skazany przez sąd. Ma zapłacić grzywnę. In: Gazeta Pomorska. 19.03.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Germany and Roma

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Germany should live up to its historic responsibility towards Sinti and Roma. The Bundestag passed a corresponding government proposal. An expert panel will submit a report. Romani Rose spoke of an important step.

– Bundestag will mehr Einsatz gegen Hass auf Sinti und Roma. In: Migazin. 25.03.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Roma and Brexit

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Many of the Roma currently living in the UK lack some of the registrations and documents that are needed post Brexit and thus may face expulsion.

– Britain’s Roma community fears post-Brexit future. In: Al-Jazeera. 25.03.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Germany and Discrimination

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A new study shows the everyday discrimination against Roma in the region of Freiburg.

– Studie: Sinti und Roma in Freiburg werden diskriminiert. In: Fudder. 21.03.2019.–168913693.html [link-preview url=”–168913693.html”]