Monthly Archives: November 2016

US: How Not to Report

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A news channel in the US reports on a scam based on stopping drivers by telling them there is something wrong with their car and then ends up robbing them. So far, all normal, it is a scam that exists throughout the world.
But then, an expert says it is surely Rroma, and the ladies who were robbed say the police told them so.
ON WHAT BASIS??? And even if it were, is race relevant in crime?

– ‘Gypsies’ believed to have targeted elderly women in heartless scam. In 13 Action News. 28.11.2016.

Poverty Risk

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A recent EU study claims that 80% of the Rroma are at risk of poverty. That is the title at least. That would mean that 8 to 9 million Rroma are at risk in Europe …
Then it turns out it is 80% of the interviewed Rroma (34k of them through Europe), which then is more reasonable, because all these surveys target exactly that part of the Rroma population. Bad reporting.

– 80% of Roma are at risk of poverty, new survey finds. In: FRA. 29.11.2016.
– EU Report Focuses on Hardships of EU’s Roma Population. In: ABC News. 29.11.2016.

Poland Racism

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The case of Rroma wanting to buy property in a small village in Poland in Kamionna is arbitrated by an Ombudsman. The Rroma had faced a fierce opposition to the purchase from the local population, most probably because of racism.
The Ombudsman declared the villagers “do not want Rroma” there.

– Problem Romów z kupnem nieruchomości. In: RP. 22.11.2016.

Robert Huber

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The former president of the Radgenossenschaft der Landstrasse, Robert Huber, died last week at the age of 83 after a long illness. He was one of the key Jenische activists in the early days, forcing the Swiss state to admit its racist policies of removing children from Jenische families (until 1972). He will be buried this coming Friday.
May he rest in peace.

– Langjähriger Präsident Huber 83-jährig gestorben. In: NZZ. 28.11.2016.
– Morto Robert Huber, a lungo presidente degli Jenisch svizzeri. In: Swissinfo. 28.11.2016.–a-lungo-presidente-degli-jenisch-svizzeri/42713244

Travellers in Switzerland: Jura

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The parliament of the Canton of Jura in Switzerland has been debating the creation of a camping site for foreign travellers. It is symptomatic of the situation in Switzerland that one parliamentarian suggested not to do anything, as other cantons were not doing anything either …

– Gens du voyage : le Gouvernement persiste et signe. In: RFJ. 23.11.2016.

French Chronicle …

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Usual lot of news in France. First, a mayor in the XVth Arrondissement in Paris refused the access to the school canteen to 20 poor children, many of which were Rroma. His ratiuonale, they were getting a free lunch funded by Emmäus, a chrity, close to the school. BAD!
Other than that: A fire in a squat near Paris puts 50 people out in the street; a new solution is proposed to the Rroma who were expulsed in Montreuil more than hundred days ago and whose children are not is school as they have no permanent residence; another fire in Marseilles; better news in the North of France, with a collective helping Rroma integrate, the story of Rroma who are there since 6 years, and the constriction of social housing; and in the West, the creation of four or five camping sites for Rroma (it is an obligation in France) and the questions of a cleanup of former camping sites that are full of garbage, although often not left by Rroma).

– Corbeil-Essonnes : cinquante Roms à la rue après l’incendie de leur squat. In: Le Parisien. 26.11.2016.
– Une nouvelle solution offerte aux Roms. In: Le Parisien. 25.11.2016.
– Montreuil : une nouvelle solution de relogement proposée aux familles roms. In: Le Parisien. 24.11.2016.
– Journée mondiale des Droits de l’enfant. Et à Montreuil? In: Mediapart. 20.11.2016.
– Marseille: Le feu détruit un camp de Roms sans faire de blesse. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 21.11.2016.
– Collectif Roms Denaisis: «Une communauté qui a la volonté de s’intégrer» In: La Voix du Nord. 23.11.2016.
– Que sont devenus les Roms arrivés au presbytère il y a 6 ans ? In: La Voix du Nord. 22.11.2016.
– Bientôt des logements sociaux à la place de l’école Sainte-Thérèse. In: La Voix du Nord. 20.11.2016.
– Où en est l’action municipale pour les Roms ? In: Ouest France. 24.11.2016.
– Rezé “Quatre ou cinq terrains aménagés” accueilleront des familles Roms. In: Presse Ocean. 22.11.2016.
– Nantes. La remise au propre des anciens camps de roms reportée. In: Ouest France. 20.11.2016.

Croatian Misstep

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The Croatian president Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic posed on a picture with a Croatian flag bearing the symbol of the Ustaša during a visit in Canada. The flag, while being close to the current Croatian one, shows the coat of arms starting with a white square on the left hand corner, which is the Ustaša pattern.
Knowing the current revisionists views in Croatia concerning their fascist past, this is not really good …

– La présidente croate sur une photo à côté d’un blason pro-nazi. In: La Libre. 26.11.2016.

Roma Journeys

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An exhibition of Joakim Eskildsen’s work on Rroma, “Roma Journeys” in Berlin. If you haven’t seen this work, or his book, go!
He is one of the rare photographers who, while taking pictures in the midst of poverty and difficult situations, manages to show joy and a sparkle.

– Joakim Eskildsen’s ‘The Roma Journeys’ at Gallery Taik Persons, Berlin. In: BlouinArtInfo. 26.11.2016.

Germany, Rap, and Rroma

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A review of the last Album from the German Rapper Sido. He recently acknowledged that he is Rrom – but calles himself “Zigeuner” and a sentence in one of his songs “Meine Leute haben’s nicht so leicht, also wenn du nicht drauf aufpasst, ist es meins.” saying “my people don’t have it easy, so if you don’t pay attention to it, it is mine” is deemed more than controversial, as it uses the old stereotype of theft and Rroma.

– ‘Das goldene Album’: Sido startet Authentizitäts-Offensive. In: ViP. 25.11.2016.

Czech Republic: Germany Will Pay

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Germany has agreed to compensate the Czech Rroma who survived the Holocaust. Good, but it will not ruin Germany: 71 years after the end of the War, not many are still alive. And anyhow not many survived in the Czech lands.
A short apology from the Czech would be nice, as they deported the Rroma themselves, in 1941.

– Nemecko odškodní českých Rómov za holocaust. In: TA3.20.11.2016.

OMS: Rroma and Work

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According to the International Organisation for Work (IOT), it is imperative to reduce hiring discrimination of Rroma.
Whether their statistics are correct remains to be seen, as it is notoriously difficult to do statistics when there are no official numbers on Rroma… But the issue clearly exists.

– Réduire la discrimination à l’embauche et la pauvreté chez les jeunes Roms. In: OIT. 21.11.2016.–fr/index.htm
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