The Italian press is full of the story of an altercation of a Serbian footballer Sinisa Mihajlovic who clashed with the Italian police after being insulted as a “Gypsy” …
- Mihajlovic e la rissa di Roma: “Mi ha insultato un poliziotto”. In: La Repubilica. 17.05.2019.
- Roma, «Zingaro di m…», e Mihajlovic s’infuria con un agente in divisa. In: Corriere. 16.05.2019. https://roma.corriere.it33.0.1551105856-k7QF-U3120448889999BmG-1224×916@Corriere-Web-Roma-593×443.jpgnotizie/cronaca/19_maggio_16/zingaro-m-mihajlovic-si-avventa-sull-addetto-sicurezza-03b5a3e8-77f3-11e9-bbe0-f6f4647a7d08.shtml
- Sinisa Mihajlovic clashed with police after being called a gypsy. In: Marca. 17.05.2019.