14.06.2013 Begging Ban in Lausanne


Opre Rrom Lausanne criticizes the draconian new regulations against begging. The criminalization of begging ignores the real situation of the people and forces people who wanted to avoid delinquent behaviour into crime. Even the often-made statement that Lausanne cannot solve the problems of all Europe is too narrow. What is asked is a courageous, intelligent handling of begging and not generalising criminalization (Tchérémissinoff 2013). It should be noted here, that there is no consensus about the extent of organised begging among Rroma today. While conservative estimations claim that begging takes place almost exclusively in the form of organized gangs, behind which stand some organisers, others see it as a marginal phenomenon. This latter view is supported by scientific research on the subject. As long as no hard evidence for the real existence of begging networks exist, such suspicions and accusations should be expressed with caution.


  • Tchérémissinoff, Véra (2013) Nouveau règlement de police de la mendicité: Une politique d’exclusion qui ne dit pas son nom. In: Lettres de lecteures à 24 heures de 9.6.2013. 