Nunès (2014) takes the upcoming mayoral elections as an opportunity to reflect on the role of Rroma and of the French Rroma-policy in the election campaign. The UMP is said to cover up sensitive issues such as Rroma and to even support the controversial mayor Luc Jousse in his re-election. Jousse had announced in December 2013 during a press conference that it was a pity to call the fire department too early in case of fire in a Rroma camp. For this tasteless, racist statement he was harshly criticized. He was threatened with exclusion from the UMP. Even Gilles Bourdouleix, who had stated during a confrontation with Rroma in July 2013, that maybe Hitler did not kill enough Rroma, doesn’t have to worry about any consequences for his re-election, apart from a fine of 3000 Euros. This is very worrying indeed.
- Nunès, Eric (2014) Municipales: tenir des propos anti-Roms ne les empêchera pas d’être réélus. In: Le Monde online vom 14.2.2014.