26.07.2013 Insufficient Reflection on the Rroma Murders in Hungary

Verseck (2013) reports on the process of the Rroma murderers of Tatárszentgyörgy that will come to an end shortly after about two years. The defendants, two brothers and other men from the far-right scene since 2008 killed six Rroma and seriously injured  around 60 people, almost exclusively Rroma in a series of racially motivated attacks. Verseck attests to the Hungarian authorities blatant negligence in the investigation of the crimes. The responsible police for Tatárszentgyörgy upon arrival on the scene urinated on the evidence of the murders to cover it up. On political side, no empathy with the victims’ families was ever expressed; so large is the dependence of politicians on voters from the right to the extreme right. Trial observer József Gulyás also reproaches the Hungarian judiciary poor diligence in handling the evidence of the case: “It seems as if the Hungarian government and the Hungarian authorities want to bring this embarrassing affair behind them with the smallest possible hype,” Gulyás said in an opinion. Meanwhile, the relatives of the murdered live in constant fear. Every day they see the ruins of the burned-down house in which the victims lived and fear another attack in which they themselves might be the next victims.


  • Verseck, Keno (2013) Getötete Roma in Ungarn: Sechs Morde, kein Interesse. In: Spiegel online vom 23.7.2013. 