28.02.2014 Austrian Rroma should receive more funding

The right-wing populist platform unzensuriert.at (2014) criticises that the Kulturverein Österreichischer Rroma under the leadership of Rudolf Sarközi wants to receive more funding from the federal government. The criticism is built on the uncertainty about how many Rroma actually live in Austria. In 2012, the Kulturverein Österreichischer Rroma is said to have received 433’0800 Euros. Sarközi guesses the number of Austrian Roma at around 9,000. Up to 40,000 were added due to migration from other states. In the comment column of the article, racist statements accuse Rroma of taking advantage of the “hard working people”. Rroma work just as hard as members of other ethnic groups. Such one-sided articles favour uncritical, reductionist thinking.
