L’express (2013) reports on the eviction of a Rroma camp in Saint-Ouen. The settlement lodged around 250 people. Only about a dozen provisional shelters were provided to the evicted people. The French authorities are thus continuing a strict regulatory policy which may bring more short-term public order but goes against and hinder the long-term integration of Rroma.
Meanwhile, the plans of the mayor of Paris in the Paris agglomeration to set up a reception centre for homeless Rroma is raising displeasure of many parties and neighbours (Le Figaro, 2013).
- Le Figaro (2013) Bientôt des camps de Roms dans Paris ? In: Le Figaro online vom 29.11.2013. http://www.lefigaro.fr/actualite-france/2013/11/29/01016-20131129ARTFIG00362-bientot-des-camps-de-roms-dans-paris.php
- L’Express (2013) L’un des plus grands campements roms évacué à Saint-Ouen. In: L’express online vom 27.11.2013. http://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/societe/800-roms-en-cours-d-evacuation-a-saint-ouen_1303068.html