29.11.2013 Slovakia: Extreme rightist is Regional President

Die Welt (2013) informs about disturbing developments in Slovakia. In the town of Banská Bystrica, the right-wing extremist Marian Kotleba has been elected as Regional President. Kotleba won the election against the incumbent Social Democratic candidate. Kotleba is known because of his numerous racist actions and statements against Rroma. He is Chairman of the extreme rightist “People’s Party – Our Slovakia”: “Kotleba has been known for years for his campaign against the Roma minority – and for appearances in uniforms that are modelled on fascist originals. He has been repeatedly arrested by the police and charged with racial incitement and threat to democracy. Convicted he never was.” That a confessed right-wing extremists and Rroma hater is now influencing the policy of Banská Bystrica should give all supporters of democratic values something to think about. Apparently many people seem to have learnt nothing from history.
