Bulgaria, Babies, and Rroma

Traffickers in new-borns have been condemned to heavy prison sentences (10 years for two men, and 5 years for one women). They were accused to have brought pregnant women to Greece for the purpose of adoption of their child at birth. The babies were sold for up to 15’000 Euros.
Many of the mothers came from Rroma ghettos. The condemned, though, seem to have been Bulgarian (otherwise, chances are this would have been said …)

– Bulgarie: Lourdes peines de prison pour vente de nouveau-nés. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 28.04.2017. http://www.20minutes.fr/monde/2059003-20170428-bulgarie-lourdes-peines-prison-vente-nouveau-nes [link-preview url=”http://www.20minutes.fr/monde/2059003-20170428-bulgarie-lourdes-peines-prison-vente-nouveau-nes”]

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