Czechia: Neo-Nazi Threats


A video about physical violence against Roma has caused great concern in Písek. The author of the video, who is a teenager who has been identified, and about which the police cannot provide more information, claimed in it that about a hundred extremists would arrive in Písek on Monday, March 17, and would bring order to the city.

“It’s Písek on Monday. At seven in the evening. There were skinheads everywhere here and it was quiet. Now they’re not here and it’s a mess,” the video, which has already been removed from social media, said.

Some Roma did not want to be liked by the threats and wanted to organize their own rally via social media. Michal Mižigár from Písek, however, called for prudence. “Please be prudent, let’s not be scared by the provocateurs from Tiktok,” he said on the social network Facebook.