After a week without news on Roma in France, they are back in the news. An interview and overview of the travels of a French Gitan in Europe to preserve the memory of those who were killed during the Holocaust. A book and a movie will apparently follow. Other than that, a major fire started in Nantes, in Western France, in the vicinity of a Roma camp. Apparently, several caravans were burnt, and the Roma were evacuated. Finally, a new camp in the South East will be closed, as it is situated in a forest that could easily burn.
- 6 000 km à travers l’Europe pour la mémoire tzigane. In: La Dépèche. 14.08.2022.
- Incendie à Nantes : une centaine de personnes du camp de Roms hébergées dans un gymnase. In: 11.08.2022.
- Incendie à Nantes : la solidarité et le quotidien s’organisent pour les personnes relogées. In: 11.08.2022.
- Incendie à Nantes : 10 hectares partis en fumée, un camp de Roms évacué sous la menace des flames. In: FR3. 10.08.2022.
- EN IMAGES – Nantes : incendie près d’un campement de Roms au niveau de la Prairie de Mauves. In: France Bleu. 10.08.2022.
- Var : un campement de Roms menacé d’expulsion. In: La Marseillaise. 12.08.2022.