Quite a few different topics this week in the French press about Roma. First, the answer of a romano writer to an article which we also published last Sunday about the place of Roma culture in museums and the creation of a museum in Southern France. The writer, Jacques Debos is quite critical. It makes for good reading and for a more differentiated view on the topic of Roma culture.
In Bordeaux, an event showcases Roma culture, with tales and music. In Montpellier, a new exhibition will show Roma history and culture.
Only more usual news is in Montpellier, a new project to help Roma children integrate the school system.
- « Cultures romani : quelle aire d’accueil à hauteur de cimaise ? » In: Le Quotidien de l’Art. 06.04.2023. https://www.lequotidiendelart.com/articles/23594-cultures-romani-quelle-aire-d-accueil-à-hauteur-de-cimaise.html
- Bordeaux : des rencontres tziganes au Garage Moderne. In: Sud Ouest. 04.04.2023. https://www.sudouest.fr/culture/bordeaux-des-rencontres-tziganes-au-garage-moderne-14680255.php
- Montpellier : l’histoire et les traditions culturelles du peuple tzigane vont être célébrées à la Halle Tropisme. In: Midi Libre. 07.04.2023. https://www.midilibre.fr/2023/04/07/montpellier-lhistoire-et-les-traditions-culturelles-du-peuple-tzigane-vont-etre-celebrees-a-la-halle-tropisme-11114018.php
- A Montpellier, des moyens pour la scolarisation des enfants des bidonvilles. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 08.04.2023. https://www.20minutes.fr/societe/4031826-20230408-montpellier-moyens-scolarisation-enfants-bidonvilles