Germany and Children’s Allowances

Alarming articles in the German press regarding an increased amount of children’s allowances paid by Germany going into third countries. According to the press, some criminals bring Roma children in Germany, house them in a cheap flat so they have an address in Germany, apply for an allowance, and that one goes back to their country of origin.
Of course, one should add, this is a Roma thing ….

– “Kriminelle Energie und Betrug”. Mehr Kindergeld geht ins Ausland. In: NTV DE. 09.08.2018.
– Familienkasse: Kindergeld-Betrug vor allem in NRW. In: RTL. 09.08.2018.
– Rasanter Anstieg beim Kindergeld alarmiert Städte. In: T-Online. 09.08.2018.

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